Nicolas Sarkozy, former president of France, was sentenced to prison


Sarkozy had to face corruption charges: He was on trial for trying to bribe a government official. He wanted to extract inside information from the official in connection with an investigation into his 2007 election campaign, in exchange for which he was offered an official position in Monaco.

Nicolas Sarkozy did not admit his guilt, he denied all the charges against him. He thought the idea of ​​a date in Monaco came from a favor to a friend, but in the end he deliberately dismissed the matter.

Nicolas Sarkozy was the first French president to be sentenced to prison since World War II. You will have to sit for one of the three-year sentences. In 2011, former President Jacques Chirac was also sentenced to two years in prison for violating campaign funding, but was eventually suspended from full punishment before going to jail.

Cover image: Kiran Ridley / Getty Images
