Coronavirus in Hungary: Monday morning data came out, death toll exceeded 15,000


The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 4,326 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 432,925. The daily number of cases is in line with the trend observed in recent days, according to the authorities.

Most of the deaths in the last 24 hours were 84 elderly, chronic patients, bringing the number of deaths to 15,058.

We reached a sad number with this, as the number of people who died from the coronavirus in Hungary exceeded 15,000.

The death toll is higher than the figure reported on Sunday, but slightly lower than the number over 100 nights last week. Unfortunately, the 7-day moving average is already above 100:

According to recent data, 5,679 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 537 of whom are connected to ventilators. So in one day, nearly 200 people were hospitalized and 13 more are on respirators. It also means that in the last week, a total of almost 1,200 more patients are being treated in the hospital and 140 more are on respirators.

In the last 24 hours, more than 20,000 tests have been carried out, of which more than 21% have been positive. The beginning of the epidemic is indicated by the fact that even after conducting fewer tests than in previous days, the proportion of positive cases within the samples became much higher:

According to the government portal, so far 685,247 people have been vaccinated, of which 251,691 have already received the second vaccine, so the proportion of the population that has received at least the first vaccine exceeds 7%, almost 2, 6%. There was no big jump in vaccinations from Saturday to Sunday, which can be attributed to the weekend.

More details coming soon.

Cover photo: MTI Photo / Sándor Ujvári
