Deputy Gábor Bányai was connected to a fan


They put it on a fan Gábor Bányai A Fidesz parliamentarian who was hospitalized a few days earlier for the coronavirus was reported by the family on Facebook.

We went through very difficult days, but we are still facing very difficult days. Probably more people have already learned that the problem is bigger than anyone would have originally thought. Our father, Gábor, was placed on a ventilator on the afternoon of February 24 and kept under anesthesia.

They wrote.

He added that his results were beginning to improve, but that the road to full recovery would still be long and unbearable.

For us, she is not just a representative, but a husband, a father, a brother, a beloved son, a father-in-law for whom our hearts now beat together. So we want to ask everyone to think about it instead of phone calls and messages, to send them strength and, most of all, to pray for it.

– He expressed in the post and at the same time thanked the doctors and nurses of the Kiskunhalas Mobile Epidemic Hospital for the incredible effort they make every day for patients.

Gábor Bányai wrote on his side this week that he had never been so ill in his life, but that he would recover.
