Gergely Gulyás: restrictions will extend until March 15 (video)


Gergely Gulyás, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, and Alexandra Szentkirályi, Government Spokesperson, presented the latest decisions on the epidemic situation in Hungary.

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We are in the final stages of restrictions

Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, spoke about the fact that the coronavirus epidemic remains the only major problem to be solved in Europe and Hungary, Origo reports.

The restrictive measures have been in effect since November 11. The latter managed to stop the strong rebound of the second wave. We are in the final stages of restrictions, the minister said.

The current restrictions will remain in effect until March 15.

The third wave has reached Hungary, and the figures in Hungary will deteriorate dramatically in the next week or two, the minister said. The next two weeks will be especially difficult, Goulas said.

The government decided to extend the restrictions until March 15.

Goulash was very tough on the anti-vaccination mayors

Gulyás also said that as a result of the national consultation a decision would be made on the possible lifting of the restrictions. We will move closer to gradually easing restrictions as the vaccination process accelerates. This week and next, we can vaccinate as many people as before, ”said Gulyás. Left-wing parties are against vaccines, and that is because they see more chances of coming to power as the epidemic drags on, he added. The saddest political development is that mayors on the left are calling for a boycott of vaccines, the minister said.

They risk human lives with this

He said.

Gulyás: Ferenc Gyurcsány and his party play with people’s lives

Today, Ferenc Gyurcsány and his party are playing with people’s lives in particular, Gulyás said. So far, 2 million 460 thousand people have registered for the vaccine, said the minister.

More than 400,000 people completed the national consultation

The national consultation was completed by more than 425,000 people. It is possible to complete in mid-March, explained the minister.

39 billion were paid in wage subsidies

Gulyas said the wage subsidies will continue. In the case of the latter, the cabinet is beyond interruptions and can pay the subsidies daily.

“A demand of 41 billion HUF was received, of which 39 billion HUF were paid.”

This is how to beat the third wave

After a difficult period, Hungary can return to the growth trajectory, Gulyás said. Hope this will be a reality in the future. He has had to suffer the restrictions for a year, and Gulyás hopes that the third wave will also be overcome with vaccines.

The full press conference can be viewed here:

This is how they wanted to divert the attention of the Nazi driver from Peter Nazi

Asked by Gulyas, he said that the Puskás Arena had already received an operating license in such a way that it had to be reviewed every six months. Pedestrian safety requires the construction of a car exit, he added. There is nothing to encrypt behind the case.

They wanted to divert attention from Peter Jakab’s accident at Jobbik, as the party chairman’s driver has a Nazi past.

Everyone is free to decide which vaccine they want

Gergely Gulyás said about another question that everyone can decide which vaccine to order, but since there are few vaccines, it is not possible yet.

By implication, anyone who does not request a vaccine at a certain time will be classified backwards, but when they do, they will be vaccinated. Otherwise, all vaccines provide effective protection against the virus.

Viktor Orbán would be vaccinated with a Chinese vaccine

Those in charge of controlling the epidemic were not the first in Hungary to be vaccinated, the Hungarian Prime Minister did not want to queue, so he asked that members of the government not be among the first to be vaccinated, Gergely Gulyás emphasized.

There is a public interest in vaccinating top politicians soon, as the medical director has indicated, and leaders can now get vaccinated when mass vaccinations begin, he said, adding:

Next week Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is also expected to receive the vaccine, who has previously indicated that he would like to receive the Chinese vaccine if possible.

There may be relief in this area

Asked by Gulyas, he said that in the opinion of all experts, the infection would accelerate in Hungary in the next period. He is confident that since the most vulnerable age group is already vaccinated, there may be better data on mortality.

In the field of openness, the service industry will be in the first round.

Gulyás would be the first to alleviate this area

The curfew must first be eased, Gulyás said.

Those who have a vaccination record do not need to be quarantined

Cards that prove protection will begin to be delivered from March 1, Gulyás said. Anyone with such a card should avoid quarantine rules, he added. He said there were no specific decisions about the security card yet.

Negotiations on guard fees are ongoing

Asked by Gulyas, he said that the on-call fees will be discussed by the director of the national hospital with each subarea. In general, the current situation does not pose any threat to medical care, he added.

It will not be possible to receive a coronavirus vaccine in private practice

It will not be possible to vaccinate against a coronavirus epidemic in private institutions, because the state will seize available stocks, said Gergely Gulyás.

The government is ready to negotiate with local governments

Where there are operational difficulties in local governments, the government is ready to help, Goulash said in a question. Where there are significant reserves, it can be used, he added.

Since 2015 there has not been so much migratory pressure

The NNK tests every incoming vaccine, Gulyás said of another question. Regarding the southern border, he said that he had not had so much migratory pressure in years and was already citing the situation from 2015. Border protection is provided by the government, he added.

This can change the status of the vaccination card.

Asked by Gergely Gulyás that if there is a regulation at the EU level in relation to the protection card, similar documents from other countries will be valid in Hungary.

Only seven countries have ratified the EU rescue package

Goulash questioned that with the entry into force of the EU bailout fund, the funds will be available. So far only seven countries have ratified it, he added.

Goulash: the EU would do better to find partners

It would be better if the EU looked for partners outside the EU, it would be better if we had as many allies as possible, the minister said. Various UN bodies tend to issue legally unfounded opinions, so this is also true in Israel, Gulyás said.

If you get accurate information from Wiliam Burns, the new CIA director, you are not talking nonsense.

Goulash said about another question.

So many people could get vaccinated in a weekend

The country could vaccinate a million people over the weekend, but sadly there isn’t enough vaccine for that now, Gulyás asked. Where long lines formed at vaccination points, the reason was that many people understandably arrived much earlier, he added. He asked everyone not to arrive hours earlier.

Clock change: Gulyás wants a unified EU decision

Gulyás is awaiting a decision from the EU on the time change. A single decision would be good here, he added.

Today, one person makes 1.2 people sick

When Goulash asked him, he said that a patient can infect 1.2 people today and that the value should be below 1.

The health sector will be the big winner of the 2022 budget

In 2022, health care will receive another important resource, they will be the biggest budget winners.

Russian shipments still not slip

Asked by Goulash, Moscow made the delivery from February to April. So far, there is nothing to hold the Russians accountable. In the current situation, the vaccine that has already been administered is safe, he added.

Vaccines cannot become a political issue

The victim of a crime is Lajos Kósa – Gulyás said about another question. It would be good if we did not turn the vaccine into a political issue, Gulyás said about another question.

All data will be made public

All data of public interest will be made public by the competent authority regarding Russian and Chinese vaccines, Gulyás said.

Therefore, we cannot produce a Russian vaccine at home.

When Gulyas asked him, he said that due to lack of capacity, they could not produce Russian vaccines in Hungary. That is why a national vaccine factory will be established in Debrecen.

This is how we help Slovakia

So far, we have helped Slovakia with fans, Gulyás said on another question.
