Index – Abroad – Half of the Hungarians from Zalány applied for a permanent residence permit in Great Britain


According to recent figures from the UK Home Office on Thursday, more than 130,000 Hungarian citizens have applied to UK authorities for settled status.

Britain withdrew from the European Union on January 31 last year, but EU citizens who have legally and habitually settled in the country until the end of 2020, the end of the transition period after the end of British membership in the EU (Brexit), they can still remain in possession of all acquired rights, maintaining their authority. However, they must apply for a residence permit of indefinite duration, a legal status established under an official name.

According to a detailed quarterly summary released by the Home Office on Thursday night, more than five million citizens of the 27 EU member states living in Britain had done so as of January 31.

At the top of the list of country-by-country information are the Poles and Romanians with 911,240 and 836,980 requests for establishment, respectively.

Of the citizens of the large Member States, 472,300 were presented by Italians, 301,790 by the Spanish, 192,800 by the French and 135,240 by the Germans.

According to statistics from the Ministry of the Interior, Hungarians are in the middle of the field with 131,120 requests for establishment.

Among the citizens of the member states of the Central and Eastern European Union, Slovenians submitted the fewest applications: so far 4,410 Slovenian citizens have applied for settled status.

As of December 31, UK authorities had processed 4,514,250 applications and only 3 per cent of submitted applications had not been approved for some reason.

The Interior Ministry said Thursday night’s report within that 3 percent

  • The number of rejected applications was 34,240,
  • 47,870 requests were withdrawn by the petitioners,
  • 49,210 requests were not valid.

According to the UK Home Office on Thursday, 54 percent of the assessed applications gave applicants final status and 43 percent pre-established status.

The latter is available to applicants who have not yet lived five years in the UK at the time of filing, but can also wait for the five years to elapse and then receive a final residence permit. In the period until then, they also have full rights to acquired rights.

EU citizens living in the UK who have decided to stay after Brexit must authentically prove their identity and lifestyle to obtain established legal status.

They must also report if they have previously been convicted of a crime.

With the end of British membership in the EU at the end of January last year, an 11-month transition period began, during which the immigration rules for EU citizens remained unchanged.

Thus, those who arrived in Great Britain from the European Union before the end of that period, that is, on December 31, with the intention of settling down, will be able to apply for a residence permit with the same rights as those who have been living in Great Britain. Great Britain for a long time.

Applications can be submitted until June 30 of this year.

However, from the first day of this year, the British government has introduced a new uniform immigration regime for newcomers from EU countries and outside the EU, which will judge requests for establishment on the basis of a system of score, primarily based on applicants. English language skills and qualifications.
