Index – Domestic – Tunnel under the Puskás Arena: the Minister of the Interior promised …


János Stummer, right-wing president of the parliament’s national security commission, agreed with the Interior Minister, Sándor Pintér, about the secret tunnel projected under the Puskás Arena. The representative requested the deferral of the investment of HUF 2 billion.

According to Stummer, the fate of the tunnel should be decided after 2022. As indicated in the video, the investment will be discussed, again, at a meeting of the Homeland Security Committee.

I visited the Minister of the Interior, Sándor Pintér, where I participated in a live conversation and karakan. I have forwarded to the Minister of the Interior requests that the government postpone this investment for the period after the 2022 elections. If the government is not willing to do so, make this investment through an open tender, and I also asked the Minister of the Interior that does not have a case that is secret before the National Security Committee.

The Interior Minister, Sándor Pintér, promised János Stummer that he would convene a meeting of experts, to which Stummer would also be invited, and then the issue of the tunnel would be taken to the meeting of the National Security Committee.

What happened?

As is known, the right-wing chairman of the National Security Committee of the National Assembly spoke for the first time in a video uploaded about the construction of a “secret tunnel for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán” in the Puskás Arena. The politician said that they wanted to encrypt this investment for many years through the National Security Committee, so he “had no choice but to face the public. He also said that since he had provided classified information, he was aware of the legal and political consequences of his transfer, but he assumed them because “he could not do anything else under the oath of his representatives.”

The Puskás Arena described János Stummer’s statements as a duck on its Facebook page. The announcement announced that the sports facility had received a permit to be reviewed after six months: if a transport solution that works well is to transport national and foreign protected persons to the Arena occasionally obstructing and waiting for the traffic of the general public.

They also noted that according to the results of the review, it would be a better solution if the vehicle traffic routes of protected persons, privileged guests and performers did not cross the pedestrian route of tens of thousands of audiences, that is, it is It is convenient that you physically separate these traffic routes. The planned solution would be a car underpass only fifty meters long.

“In order for the short underpass to be built in a nationally safe and risk-free manner, for the safety of the public and protected persons, no information should be provided (special escape options, space observer positions, etc.). – Do not fall into unauthorized hands, the National Security Committee of the National Assembly approved that the design and construction works be tendered within the framework of a multiplayer competition by invitation, qualified at the national level. After the tender, the construction company is obliged to report the costs to the National Security Commission of the Parliament ”, reported the Puskás Arena. This information was also confirmed by the Prime Minister’s Office to

Although János Stummer first mentioned in his video a tunnel built specifically for the Prime Minister, he already clarified the issue, and also spoke about the fact that protected people could travel in the planned tunnel. In his remarks since then, the right-wing politician has mainly drawn attention to the fact that the epidemic situation does not require such an expensive investment: 2 billion HUF.

In relation to the case, Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said in Government Info that it is difficult to decide what is more serious: if someone publishes classified data or spreads false news. At the same time, in his view, it is not justified to remove János Stummer from the head of the National Security Committee, because there is nothing in the case that should be secret. The minister also added that Jobbik said he just wanted to “divert attention” from the accident of the opposition party chairman.

The Magyar Nemzet reported that István Tényi made a public interest report to President László Kövér for an extraordinary national security check on János Stummer, and also filed a complaint against an unknown author with the Central Prosecutor’s Office on suspicion of abuse of power.
