Former CEO was brought into slavery at bus tender hearing


With the third preparatory hearing, today concluded the first phase of the judicial proceedings in the Kaposvár Court in the Pécs bus acquisition case, known as Volvo-gate. More than 600 million guilders are being earned from businessmen alone, but politicians may soon be asked the same question in the courtroom.

The Volvo-gate, the Pécs bus scandal, broke out years ago: according to the indictment, in 2015 the local public transport company, Tüke Busz Zrt., Paid 600 million HUF more for used buses than it could. having bought directly from the Dutch Volvo. subsidiary. The inventors of the store installed a broker with whose help they could swallow the money. (We write in detail about the background to this case in this article.)

Initially a process was started against three defendants, but III. The defendant, Endre P., has already been discharged because he pleaded guilty in the first preparatory trial. He demanded relief after three days of reflection against the 2 years of suspended prison and the payment of 172 million florins that were imposed on him, so his case continues immediately in second instance.

The first-degree defendant, István Paiger, former CEO of Tüke Busz Zrt., For his part, did not admit his guilt, and in the preparatory trial he pleaded not only innocent, but also a direct victim of the case. He bases his defense on the fact that he led the company as CEO for barely half a year, who came up with making substantive decisions, simply by signing the papers that were placed in front of his nose. István Paiger’s defense lawyer, Imre Bodnár, requests a summons to summon several politicians, such as Fidesz deputy Erik Bánki, former Pécs mayor Zsolt Páva and former deputy mayor Pécs Csizi, as well as another defense lawyer. In addition, Imre Bodnár also asks the court to request the passenger list of the Budapest-Amsterdam flights at the indicated times, because he assumes that it would turn out that some politicians were also on the plane, although in the Netherlands they would not have done so. anything to win ex officio at that time.

On Wednesday, for the third preparatory hearing, II. It was due to the previous absences of the accused András Csengő. Csengő, the former CEO of Pécs Brewery, former Honorary Consul of the Netherlands, twice performed a special performance in front of the Pécs Palace of Justice building, instead of going to his own trial. Satisfied with this, the judge ordered his arrest. Thus, for Wednesday’s trial, the former leader and consul had already been detained by the police.

As expected, András Csengő did not plead guilty, but at the same time promised to appear in the next trial, now regular, so the judge decided to release him, against which the prosecution appealed. Bell was a peculiar character in this story anyway: he was the one who drove half of Europe, with hundreds of thousands of euros in his suitcase, until he fell into a Dutch bank when he wanted to launder money.

As we have learned, Endre P. III. As a defendant of the order, he left this trial, but even he could be called as a witness. His role in this matter may be notable only because he had no official relationship either with the city of Pécs or with its public transport company. At the same time, Szabad Pécs wrote that representative Erik Bánki could be contacted, because the politician was in a shop with his half-brother (Bauer) who lived in Germany, who had been re-Germanized. It is striking, by the way, that there are several Hungarian-affiliated companies in the same small town in Bavaria, which barely has ten thousand inhabitants.

The trial in the Kaposvár Court will continue in May, with two consecutive days of trial.
