Index – Domestic – László Donáth, Lutheran pastor, received suspended prison in the first instance


László Donáth, Lutheran pastor and former member of the Parliament of Budapest II. and III. District Court – wrote pestisrá

The website reminded us: the case broke out in August 2019, when it was revealed that László Donáth could harass several women. The court was informed that the Budapest II. and III. On February 19, the District Court, at the request of the prosecution, handed down a judgment without trial in the case.

At his request, the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office stated that the court, in full agreement with the prosecutor’s motion, had committed a minor bodily injury to the accused for a vile motive and had imposed a prison sentence of 1 year and 6 months continuously . offense.

The court suspended the execution of the custodial sentence, the degree of execution of which is prison, for a trial period of 2 years 6 months. The prosecution does not request a hearing against the order, but the defendant and the attorney can do so, so the order is not final.
