The secrets of the First World War about his family were discovered by Gregor Bernadett


You were able to learn about a defining part of your past from a newspaper article. Gregor Bernadett. Recently, a shocking family story could be read on Mandiner readers

Ancient leaves

the Newspaper museum owner, Salt Endre He bought fifty letters from World War I, from which the uplifting, often heartbreaking life story of the Belle family in Szeged can be traced. The famous family was a respected family in Szeged, teachers, musicians and doctors. The 103-year-old correspondence reveals how they lived, what difficulties they faced during the war, and how concerned Ferenc Belle Sr. was for his enlisted sons, Francis and Geza. The latter died at the frontline due to a grenade shell, and Francis still had difficult years after the war: his first wife and son died early, and the man was buried in music.

Photo: MTVA / Zsolt Zih

New wife

Belle eventually remarried and four children were born to the Phrygian. One of them, Elizabeth And surprisingly, she is none other than Gregor Bernadett’s mother.

Metropol contacted Mari Jászai Award Winning Actress, who revealed that he himself had learned from an article in the Museum of the Newspaper about the correspondence between his ancestors, which allowed him to know his grandfather, his brother and his great-grandfather in such detail that few would give them.

My uncle from Germany shared the article on his community page. I started reading, and after the first few lines, I was surprised to find that this was my family’s story. It was an incredible feeling to face what my ancestors went through in the past. It was both an uplifting and shocking experience to see their lives through such letters to such an extent. Days have passed since then, but I am still under their influence.


He keeps a relic

The actress is grateful to fate for being able to have a more complete picture of the past of the maternal branch of her family.

Furthermore, Bernadett has been preserving the old legacy that remained of the Belle branch as a relic for many years: a hundred and fifty year old Christmas tree.

“I inherited the Christmas tree from my mother and she from her parents.” For generations, for our family, for a century and a half, everyone has put up the tree at Christmas. Wars, revolutions, dangers and hardships may have come, the Christmas tree was always with us, not lost in the midst of the difficulties of history. I hope that one day my children pass on this simple but important family memory, “said the actress.

Gregor Bernadett's family has been caring for the Christmas tree for one hundred and fifty years, surviving all the revolutions and wars.

Gregor Bernadett’s family has been caring for the Christmas tree for one hundred and fifty years, surviving all the revolutions and wars. Photo: Gregor Bernadett
