Belarusian opposition leader: “now it seems we have lost”


“I have to admit that we lost the street,” Cihanouszkaja said in an interview with the Swiss edition of Le Temps on Sunday, referring to anti-government movements in his country. “We have no way to resist the violence that the regime is using against the protesters,” he emphasized.

He added that power and weapons are in the hands of the Belarusian government.

Yeah it seems like we lost right now

Cihanouskaya said. However, he said the opposition was preparing for the resumption of fighting in the spring.

“Our strategy is to be better organized, to constantly pressure the regime until people are ready to return to the streets, perhaps already in the spring,” he emphasized.

Saying, He thinks every day that he returns to Belarus and is often on the verge of despair when he thinks about the future of his country. “So you quickly realize that you can’t do that, because if you are a symbol or a national leader, you can’t give up easily,” Cihanouszkaja said.

Alexander Lukashenko, who has long ruled the country, won the August 9 presidential election with 80.1 percent of the vote, according to official figures. The opposition, which recognized Cihanouszka as a real winner, screamed fraud, and Lukashenko, among others, is not recognized by the EU as a legitimate head of state. There have been weekly protest movements since the elections, which were brutally repressed by the security forces. More than 30,000 protesters were arrested, several protesters lost their lives and hundreds more were injured in the uprisings. However, the demonstrations stopped due to army action and winter frosts.

Cover Image Source: Thierry Monasse / Getty Images
