Four of them fought with him when he got into the car; this is how the emro’s capture took place in Üröm


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We managed to capture the emu seen on Fox Hill, and we learned the exact details of the action from our reader, Flora.

During the day, there were reports that hikers encountered this sight on Fox Mountain in the Dunazug Mountains:

Emu on Fox Hill.Photo: Photograph of our reader, Flóra – with permission of the author

What happened after? Flora said she notified various organizations, the Maugli Animal Welfare Association sent 4 people, including a veterinarian, and the National Park Guard also arrived with three people.

“But by the time they came out (approximately once), an hour and a half had passed, during which the animal wanted to move on, even towards the surrounding streets, which we managed to avoid, not going to the top of the quarry in places impossible and then the other next door in the thick undergrowth, ”writes Flora about the walk, which was much more exciting than they could have expected when they left on a Sunday in February.

Admission of our reader, Flora – with permission of the author

The sequel was not flatter: “The Park Guard and the Mauglis stayed there, we continued our journey, after more than two hours of chasing emus, to see if we could find him again. So it happened, we saw it at the Frog’s Back vineyard. “The organizations were notified again, after which they managed to catch the emut in Üröm with the help of a veterinarian.

Admission of our reader, Flora – with permission of the author

“It was not easy for them, four of them collapsed, of which 3 were beautiful strands of men”, Flora perceived the difficulties of capturing the emo, as expressed by the Zentre zoo staff:

“It certainly wouldn’t have been difficult to control the animal, which seemed completely smooth on its usual track, but capturing a 170 centimeter or 60 pound rat in the open air is not a one-man task, and I didn’t even mention strong legs and brutal with 4-5 centimeter claws at the end … So it’s no wonder that for four people it took almost a quarter of an hour of fighting before the emu got into the car ready for delivery. “

Admission of our reader, Flora – with permission of the author

After they put a blanket on him and tied his legs, they took him to the car. According to a vet, the emu is kept as a hobby animal in the area. He was temporarily transferred to the Szentendre Zoo and is expected to be transported from here on Monday:

