US Chief Virologist Warns: We May Even Have to Wear a Mask Next Year


Although the daily number of confirmed infections continues to decline in the United States, thousands of Americans still die each day from the coronavirus. So far, just over 5 percent of the country’s population has been vaccinated with both doses of the vaccine. One of Joe Biden’s top priorities is to accelerate the pace of vaccinations, and federal leaders are demanding increasing doses of the vaccine to try to prevent the spread of the epidemic, which has claimed around half a million lives in the United States. United States, so far.

This number of half a million is a terrible historical milestone

said a virologist with the US government’s coronavirus task force. When asked if Americans are expected to continue wearing a mask next year, Fauci replied: “I think this may be the case.” He added that this also depends, for example, on the diffusion of new variants.

In an interview with American television NBC, the expert also spoke about how it would be too early to determine exactly when the United States could achieve full immunity. And on a Sunday show on Fox News television, he said that whether people in America will need a booster dose later depends on how the so-called South African mutation spreads.

While currently available vaccines appear to provide protection against the variant across the UK, they are less protective against the South African version, which is not yet dominant.

said the virologist. Anthony Fauci added that “if this variant becomes more dominant, we may need to get a version of the vaccine that specifically protects against the South African mutation.”

Cover Image Source: Alex Wong / Getty Images
