Index – National – Péter Niedermüller: FreeSZFE will move in a few days, music school to apply


Recently, the FreeSZFE association, established by the students and professors of the University of Theater and Film Arts, was a great port. The district moved to the Damjanich Street property, before a local music school. Did you seek the association or did you find the opportunity in Elizabeth City?

The association was informed in various districts of the capital, looking for a suitable property, even here, in VII. district as well. So it is not true that I called the association here.

When they were contacted, what were they talking about?

After describing their situation, they said they were looking for a central location for their operation, a sweet opportunity to start.

Did more people apply?

The district treasurer issued a tender for the use of Damjanich utca 4. Only they requested this property. Of course, they may have applied in another district, but I have nothing to do with and am not aware of it. Although it appeared in the press that they would stay until the end of the semester, I learned that the contract had already been terminated by mutual agreement and that they were leaving this week.

If the building empties so quickly, can the music school move now?

As long as I am the mayor here, municipal property can only be rented by tender. Music school maintainer KLIKK can start in the previous competition and of course now.

Don’t you feel a personal responsibility to be tough on the political changes that eventually led to the termination of the FreeSZFE Association?

To change the punch, as you say, you need two sides. It would be worth asking the other party about this as well. I suggest you follow the chronology of events and then you will see that we did not start, in fact there was no coup on our part. I endured with great patience the kind of filth they inflicted on us, and I don’t remember articulating it in the same way as the other side.

Are you targeting István Bajkai?

I am not addressing anyone, but if you want to be great, yes, Mr. Bajkai also had secondary statements, he will certainly take responsibility for his words.

There is another district property tendered under Wesselényi 17. Until now, Erőművház Nonprofit Kft. It has organized various cultural programs here. What happened to them?

We saw that this building 17 in Wesselényi, which was not suitable for this purpose, produced incorruptible inconveniences, so we decided to reorganize it. I emphasize reorganization, so we do not remove anything. Here, too, we publish a contest and we just announced a winner these days. The Milestone Institute can move there. This school offers talented Hungarian high school students a high level of education and support to access foreign universities. Since the institute’s inception, more than 1,000 of its students have been admitted to the top 100 institutions of higher education in the world, including more than a hundred at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

This building also houses Weekly TV, which prides itself on its Jewish identity. I know its owner, a Jewish foundation, also applied. They can stay?

Your current lease expires April 30. They can stay with me for as long as they want, but they have to agree that with the new tenant.

So far, they have produced the District News program.

In fact, according to the contract concluded during the previous local government, Heti TV produced the weekly news program about the district for 5 million HUF + VAT per month. First we had to reduce the amount and then cancel the service because we can no longer finance it in the current economic situation. There is simply no money for it. We do not have a service or sponsorship contract with any medium.

Once freed due to the coronavirus epidemic, the operation of the parking lot could not be considered a hen laying a golden egg either. What is the loss of income in VII. district?

In the lowest voice, 125 million florins a month. However, the main problem with the tip is not that it makes life absolutely impossible for the residents of the district. I will be happy to show you the letters I receive. Many people ask me to go there to stop being free. Although I don’t have the power to do this, we are constantly asking for it, according to various inner districts. This does not make sense in terms of spreading the virus.

How does it affect the municipality that the restaurants in the party district have lowered the blinds?

This also represents a significant loss of income for us. On the other hand, it also means that those who work in the hospitality industry have lost their jobs and need social support. We have paid 7 million HUF on top of the usual grants so far, and it is quite certain that they will double in the future. Our district is basically strong in the service sector, so you also have to see that, in addition to the innkeepers, the hairdressers and the various micro and small businesses they are in a terribly difficult situation. So, from our point of view, the party district is only part of the problem set.

A month ago, the Association of Municipalities of Budapest negotiated with the government. What do they have left, will there be some kind of compensation?

The government had previously promised all kinds of salary supplements to the catering companies and then did not pay them for many months, only when they began to demonstrate in the Plaza de los Héroes. Otherwise, the salary supplement is no longer sufficient, these small businesses would also need resources to maintain their operations. I argued that in addition to the disruptions caused by the epidemic, no additional government deductions should even be imposed on local governments. In Austria, extra money was given to municipalities to try to balance the consequences of the crisis on local competition. By the way, the invitation of Minister Gulyás has just arrived, on February 25 we will meet with the leaders of the districts and the mayor with the government representatives. I think they also recognized that I couldn’t go on like this.

It seems that things cannot go any further in your Piacüzemeltetési Kft. As before. At least this is indicated by the fact that he removed Fidesz delegate El ,d Virágh from his supervisory board. Why?

It wasn’t me who called me back, it was the board.

In an extraordinary legal system, the mayor decides in one person.

Yes, but we are asking for the position of the whole body on these matters via videoconference. I decide based on the opinion of the majority of the board.

But what is the problem?

I mean this very subtly when I say that Mr. Virágh is not sympathetic to the current leadership of the city.

Such is the opposition …

The biggest problem is that the parties that participated in the coalition felt that those who were so hostile to the local government could not represent their interests in the Ltd. either. This capacity for representation was not seen as assured by the majority of the city administration. I would add that it was not my initiative to move it.

What is the total balance of your planned budget?

If I remember correctly, it is around 27 billion, which is 4 to 5 billion less than last year and even 11 billion compared to the previous year. The difference is very significant, but that is all we can manage now.

I spoke with the mayor’s predecessor, Zsolt Vattamány, who said he left $ 10.5 billion in the coffers. Do you still have this money?

We have an important part of this amount, because we do not touch the reserves. I used to say that I basically have a Scottish nature, but now we had to use 3 billion of that money. Without him, we could have closed the store.

(Cover image: Bodnár Patrícia / Index)
