Invasion of coronavirus variants, third wave, will it never end?


Already at the beginning of his post, he states: it is important to interpret the appearance and meaning of mutants in a complex way.

Virus mutation is a completely natural process,

It is also natural that the defense needs to be adjusted to some degree. If we want to adjust to the maze of variants, it is best to keep in mind: every new mutant is “innocent” until proven “guilty”, he wrote.

It is true that there will be best / worst combinations for each variant and vaccine; the good news is that there is something to choose from. “At the moment, the data shows that even if the effectiveness of a vaccine decreases with each variant, the defense that can be linked to cellular immunity can still help us a lot. This may be enough to achieve the main goal of reducing the number of serious diseases. ”- says the biologist.

Regarding current processes, the expert points out: the third wave in our neck, the number of cases is increasing, while vaccination also rumbles. As long as the spread of the virus is so great and, in parallel, vaccination is ongoing,

encounters with more and more vaccinated people will increasingly lead to the virus to avoid

– predicts Gábor Kemenesi, who at the same time reassures everyone: experts, vaccine manufacturers, epidemiologists are all prepared for this.

According to him, in the current epidemic, it is vital that we introduce our immune system safely (the vaccine for this) before the actual infection. Any vaccine is good for this purpose.

In the current situation, one can save lives

underlined the virologist from Pécs. Other experts had a similar opinion during a Facebook conversation on Friday night.

Gábor Kemenesi also wrote that the total bypass of the vaccine is not yet known in science.

Do you also answer the title question at the end of your post, that is, this epidemic will never end? His answer is reassuring: “but it will end.” “However, what we as the average person can do to make this happen as soon as possible is to take the vaccine as soon as possible and prevent the virus from spreading,” he suggests.

“If we feel comfortable and pay less attention, because ‘here is the vaccine’ anyway, we will take the water to the virus factory.”

Vaccine and defense, both must be deployed to the maximum so that this year can truly be a year of recovery

– written by.

Top image: Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine (officially Gam-COVID-Vac) in Székesfehérvár, at Szent György University Hospital in Fejér county on February 20, 2021. Source: MTI / Tamás Vasvári
