Index – Foreign – Female devils: not only men can be sexual predators


Recently, he started a trial with a 34-year-old American teacher who screwed up a 15-year-old exchange student. Kimberly Wellman-Rich hired the young man first and then seduced him; the case traveled through the world press, also wrote the Index.

Texas assistant teacher Tedria Fluellent was also sentenced to 14 years in prison this month. The now 51-year-old woman joined the family of the then 16-year-old teenager last year, did tutoring, but got on the young man in special classes. Investigators found hundreds of sexually charged messages from him, bombarding the high school student with them.

This year’s story is also the downfall of Alexandria Allen from the state of Kentucky: a 25-year-old substitute teacher raped an eighth-grade student. He was disguised by the child’s mother. And the series of notorious cases is far from over. We show the cases that received the most press coverage (it would have been impossible to list similar scandals).

He traumatized his victim throughout his life.

Nicole Woods, now 56, was sentenced last summer to more than two years in prison in Australia for sexually harassing a 15-year-old boy who was her student in 2016. Woods, who otherwise had two children, was always grooming. things so that he could stay with the teenager in the classroom or office, and then push her around. He also sent her pornographic photos over the phone. He cynically defended himself in court as a victim

he didn’t look so young.

The abused high school student could not bear the ongoing abuse so freely: since then he dropped out of school, goes to a psychiatrist, is taking medication. Her mother said in a statement that she sleeps next to her bed with a knife every night, she feels so humiliated. To a broken human shipwreck.

The boy abused his illness

The case of the American Becci Hill is evident for two reasons. At the time of her arrest, a 31-year-old woman was working as a behavior counselor (!) At the school where she was looking at a 15-year-old student. Fortunately, they were soon run over by the police, it became suspicious that Hill was parked at a drop off location along the highway late at night. The patrols were greeted with a full sex scene.

Becci hill

Becci hill

Photo: police photo

The real shock, however, came when they realized that

The sexual predator exploited a child with a mental disorder, for which he was sentenced to just two years in prison for his act.

5 years for an 11 year old

Similarly, American singing and music teacher Carol Lynn Flannigan, who at the age of 49 sexually abused a pupil of an 11-year-old boy, swam with little sexual violence. They gave him only 5 years to unload for the abundant year and a half of harassment. The victim’s stepmother shot the woman down when she found her unequivocal messages on the teenager’s phone.

It was later revealed that the rape sites included a local motel, a public park, and an airport parking lot. The case particularly surprised the public, as many believed it was in a reverse alignment, so if a teacher had abused a girl of a similar age, she would have gone smoothly into life for the same thing.

An even more absurd verdict was rendered in the case of Debra LaFave from Florida, who collapsed in the mid-2000s by raping a 14-year-old student as a teacher. He did not have to spend a single day in prison, only three years under house arrest. He was 25 at the time of the trial and surprisingly handsome; the latter also argued to his defense attorney that you.

a woman of this appearance should not be sent to prison because it is not for her

(the other half of the defense was that Debra depis is a can’t do guy).

He didn’t regret it, in fact …

The best known of all is possibly the unusual romance of Mary Kay Letourneau. We go in the summer of 1996, the 34-year-old teacher reunites with her 12-year-old student. The police beat them, but Letourneau only has six months to unload, as he and the boy (Vili Fualaau) claim to be mortally in love with each other. As an added punishment, he’s officially banned from the guy, but immediately upon his release he rips it up and picks up where he left off. He also returns to service for another seven and a half years.

Write books insideMy only sin is love and similar titles) and gives life to the healthy daughter of Vili. Meanwhile, Vili suffers out there, and also attempts suicide, without success. In the fall of 2004, Mary is released, united (Vili is 21 at the time). The tabloids of the world swallow his story, the publicly dangerous pedophile will be the heroine of true and indestructible love. They even gave joint interviews:

They are married for 15 years and then divorce. One year later, in the summer of 2020, Letourneau will die of cancer. If the beginning of the story sounds familiar, it’s because

the cult film Details of a Scandal was born out of this

(Cate Blanchett and Judy Dench reward game if anyone hadn’t seen it.)

A benevolent deception compared to what happened in reality is in the adaptation: the teenager in the film is already 15 years old when platonic love takes flesh.

If you need help, you can call the Blue Line Children’s Crisis Foundation helpline 116-111, the National Crisis Management and Information Telephone Service at 06-80 / 20-55-20, the police at 107 or 112, as well as the NANE. Association on 06-80 / 505-101.

Cover Image: Debra LaFave – Photo by Tim Boyles / Getty Images

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