Brussels would give 1 billion euros to Hungary for wage subsidies, just ask


Opposition politicians at Saturday’s online press conference said the government’s consultation on the conditions for a possible opening is time-consuming and unnecessary, and said it was just evidence that “the Orbán government’s inability to making decisions is powerless against the virus. “

According to István Ujhelyi, instead of consultations, immediate assistance should be provided to the more than 600,000 people working in the service industry, the cultural sector, the hospitality industry and tourism, who are the most affected by the fact that the sectors They are closed by state decision due to the epidemic.

The Socialist MEP cited as an example the European Union’s SURE program, the remaining amount of which, he claims, could cost Hungary up to a billion euros to help workers and the self-employed in sectors in crisis.

He noted that the Hungarian government has previously earned € 504 million from the European Union’s job protection program, and new applications for the remaining € 9.7 billion may be submitted in the coming weeks.

However, it is not yet known if the Hungarian government has already filed a claim or if it plans to use this option at all, added István Ujhelyi.

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