The basic transport exam arrives in Hungary


There are barely two weeks until the opening of the basic transport exam, which aims to help children move more consciously and safely in everyday traffic situations.

The exam is at 4-7. It will be available to students of all ages, but the practice questionnaire can now be completed by anyone online. The exam knowledge base is based on the Traveling Smartbook, whose main objective is to give children as much knowledge as possible about traffic rules, both in school classes and at home, so that independent transport is safer.

The printed version of the workbook has so far reached almost 380,000 primary school students, and the digital version was completed in the fall of 2019, thanks to which many people can now use the educational material even on smart boards through the system. CRETE.

A 4-5. The basic transportation exam is expected to be passed in grade 6-7. and the degree is recommended. Students take the Transportation Proficiency Test March 1-12. they can apply for it once a week between and, and students who successfully complete at least 80 percent will receive a name certificate.

If someone doesn’t pass the aptitude test in early March, after spring break, April 19-30. you can try again in the middle.
