The national consultation on reopening has been launched


The problems are related, among other things, to the curfew and the opening of restaurants.

The government’s online national consultation on epidemiology began Wednesday night, so questions can be answered, Magyar Hang warned. The consultation is also available at and on the vaccination registration page.

The questions are:

  1. Some say that restrictive epidemiological measures can be removed step by step. Others say this can only be done in one step at the end of the epidemic. What do you think about this?
  2. Those who are vaccinated or have suffered from the disease will receive a certificate of protection. Some are in favor of exempting cardholders from certain restrictive measures. What do you think about this?
  3. Some say that, as the epidemiological situation allows, the first step should be to ease the curfew after 8 p.m. Do you agree with that?
  4. Some say that, as the epidemiological situation allows, restaurants and hotels should be restarted as first steps, subject to strict safety regulations. Do you agree with that?
  5. Some say that, as the epidemiological situation allows, the first steps should be to restart sports facilities (eg swimming pools, gyms, gyms), subject to strict safety regulations. Do you agree with that?
  6. Some say that those with a certificate of protection should be able to attend events, concerts, festivals or sporting events. Others say these events should not be held or made available to the public until the epidemic is over. What you think?
  7. Some suggest that only foreigners who have been vaccinated or have a protection certificate should be allowed to enter Hungary until the end of the epidemic. Do you agree with that?
