Index – National – There was an anomaly in the packages around the spent cartridges


A minor anomaly occurred on February 12, 2021, a On the site of Radioactive Waste Management Paks (RHK) Kft From the information uploaded on the website of the National Atomic Energy Agency. THE On the International Radiological and Nuclear Events Scale (INES), which helps determine the severity of an incident related to radioactivity, the mildest event, each classified During the repair of a malfunction in the temporary spent fuel storage facility (ISFSF) did not follow the regulations exactly.

Storage pipes at Radioactive Waste Management Ltd.'s interim spent fuel storage facility.

Storage pipes at Radioactive Waste Management Ltd.’s interim spent fuel storage facility.

Photo: Radioactive Waste Management Ltd.

So much so that one of the groups of storage tubes decreased nitrogen gas pressure. In this case, recharging can be done up to four times in accordance with the regulations,however, in the present case they were charged once more. RHK Kft. Develops an inspection program, which implements after official approval. The additional work will be carried out in strict and full compliance with the operating rules, the company says.

The incident had no impact on nuclear safety, the environment, the public, and operational personnel.

The anomaly was classified by RHK Kft. As INES-1 and notified to the National Atomic Energy Authority. The authority has accepted the prequalification and is overseeing the investigation of the incident.

The scale was developed in 1989 by an international group of experts convened jointly by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD. It was used initially to classify incidents at nuclear power plants, then expanded and reworked to assess the importance of as many incidents as possible in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Thanks to recent developments, the INES scale can now be used to classify events during the transport, storage and use of radioactive materials and sources.
