Index – Foreign – Suspicion of corruption in the procurement of Chinese vaccines has been raised


Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Office (NABU) has confirmed that it has indeed launched a preliminary investigation into possible abuses in the procurement of coronavirus vaccines. The press release indicates that this study in no way excludes the purchase of vaccines.

The Russian vaccine has been banned in Ukraine

16 million doses of the vaccine reach the country through the international initiative Covax.

NABU stressed that the investigation is still in its early stages and it has not yet been determined whether there have been any violations of the law, the MTI correspondent in Kiev reported.

Ukraine will receive help to buy the vaccine

The World Bank will help Kiev with billions of hryvnia.

According to press reports, which were not confirmed by the anti-corruption office, Health Minister Maxim Stepanov participated in the investigation due to a vaccine purchase agreement with the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac.

It is assumed that the company involved in the conclusion of the agreement bought the vaccine from Ukraine at too high a price.

Stepanov stressed that the suspicion of fraud in the purchase of vaccines was unfounded and described the NABU investigation as a “personal war” against him.
