According to an internal letter from the company, if an employee chooses not to use the vaccine, their decision will not have negative consequences for their employment.

Coronavirus – the second year

It has been more than a year since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO of the emergence of a new, rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning the family member or friend with whom the new disease ended as stocks collapsed in weeks and our lives. Entities were rewritten. by the epidemic. By now, the vaccines have been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but again many questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You will find the details of this fight in our series of articles.

Employees of the food warehouses of one of the market’s leading department store chains, which serve millions of Hungarians every week, can receive the coronavirus vaccine earlier than the national vaccination plan, Magyar Nemzet learned.

Employees of a chain not named by the newspaper can comment on the volunteer opportunity this week. Vaccination can be obtained by those involved in the distribution and movement of food and beverages for daily consumption.

The Hungarian Nation writes that it is expected to join the official action initiated to strengthen food security from the logistics centers of other chains.

Csaba Bubenkó, president of the Independent Union of Commercial Workers, told the newspaper that the operating court had tasked the National Office for Food Chain Safety with evaluating whether workers in vital facilities prioritized in the national vaccination plan wanted to be vaccinated “before of time” . The distribution of fresh produce, the central buildings of the food chains are vital units, said the president.

Csaba Bubenkó recalled that after the publication of the vaccination plan, it began that the employees of the fifth store could rise in the classification of the public vaccination program, mainly because the servers that serve the basic consumption of the families’ store play a key role at the national level. supply chain.

The president of KDFSZ added that they hope that participants of the daily trade in consumer goods, including participants in the shopping area of ​​the store, will have the possibility of vaccines out of shift in the future.

A letter from the company informing the affected employees reached Magyar Nemzet. It states that if the worker requests the vaccine now, he agrees to be provided any of the currently officially approved vaccines in Hungary.

According to the letter, the vaccine offered can be rejected by those interested if they are vaccinated according to their national vaccination plan according to their age and health status.

The internal letter of the chain of stores emphasizes that it is important that this option is optional, and if the employee chooses not to take advantage of the extraordinary vaccination, he will not suffer any disadvantage in terms of employment, his decision will have no effect. negative consequences.

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The employer should not make vaccination against the coronavirus mandatory

It is also not possible to ask in a job interview whether the applicant has been vaccinated or not.

They began to notify people under 60 by mail about vaccination
At home

A declaration of consent was also provided with the letter.