Putin ordered a review of Russian vaccines


President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian government to investigate the effectiveness of Russian vaccines developed against Covid-19 against new variants of the coronavirus.

The review should also address the need for further research on vaccines and amendments to the registration dossier. The report on this must be prepared by the president before March 15 and then reviewed every six months, writes the MTI.

In Russia, so far, I have registered two vaccines, the Sputnik V developed by the Gamaleja Institute, which is licensed in 27 countries, and the EpiVacCorona from the Vector Center. A third vaccine is expected to be registered nationwide in late February.

Russia’s consumer protection inspection (Rospotrebnadzor) registered “the world’s first test system for the N501Y coronavirus (the so-called British strain of the virus),” according to a report by the Interfax news agency on Monday. Based on the information, the system is accurate and excludes the possibility of a false positive result.

The Rospotrebnadzor said on its website that this technology could allow scientists to begin developing reagents to identify any mutation in SARS-CoV-2.

In Russia, the number of new confirmed infections rose from 14,207 to 4,086,090 last day, according to official data released Monday. The daily increase is 0.35 percent and 11 percent of new cases are asymptomatic.

The number of active infections dropped to 398,534, the number of deaths increased from 394 to 80,520, and the number of recovered from 13,953 to 3,607,036.

In Russia, more than 107.1 million laboratory tests have been carried out since the start of the epidemic, and about 299,000 last day. 622,191 people are under medical surveillance on suspicion of a new coronavirus infection.
