Index – National – Róbert Puzsér: I do not rule out that I will return in 2024


Róbert Puzsér gave an interview to the Index for the last time in October 2019, when he said that if he was not elected mayor, he would return to the cultural space. As is well known, the publicist failed to win. However, Puzsér revealed in the program titled Kibeszélő, he does not consider excluded that the competition will start again in 2024.

Such a candidacy is so good if it is always there and the political class feels the knife in its own throat. I do not rule out returning in 2024.

The publicist believes that Gergely Karácsony has achieved nothing from the concept of a green and livable Budapest that he envisions, so he has a reason for being to re-run the program he represents in the mayoral elections. Before that, however, it is worth waiting for the results of the 2022 parliamentary elections.

Puzsér expects from the election to come the “most hysterical, most edifying, strongest” vote of the last 30 years, where the publicist says that the special-track policy that he also currently represents is not receptive.

Like Fidesz, the opposition coalition is interested that there is no third alternative, that there is no equidistant political force between Gyurcsány and Orbán.

According to the publicist, neither Klára Dobrev nor András Fekete-Győr are fit to defeat Viktor Orbán within the opposition, according to him.

only Péter Márki-Zay and József Pálinkás have the opportunity to do so, since they can also address voters on the government side.

The full conversation can be seen here:

On the speaker: Róbert Puzsér
