Index – Foreign – Senate acquits Donald Trump of incitement to incitement


After several days of trial, the second constitutional impeachment of Donald Trump ended as expected.

At the end of the trial in the upper house of the US legislature, 57 senators voted to convict Trump, while 45 voted against.

The sentence would have been passed by a simple majority, but in this case a two-thirds majority was required, that is, 67 votes in favor.

In the 50-50 Senate, 7 Republicans voted with the Democrats, but it turned out to be little.

Of the Republican senators, 44 voted against opening the trial on Tuesday.

Amerikaiatlan vs. witch chase

Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic Majority Leader, voted on the result of the vote.


He named and affirmed that the former president had greeted the participants in the siege against the Capitol with the aim of preventing the peaceful transfer of power and illegally occupying the presidency, denying the will of the people. (Trump was accused of making the attack on the Capitol, the charge also inciting rebellion.)

President Joe Biden’s election results were only validated at the United States Legislature building when Donald Trump supporters stormed the building complex. Members of Congress had to be evacuated from the meeting room and, in many cases, rebel Trump supporters got dangerously close to them.

Mitch McConnel, the Senate Republican Minority Leader, joined Schumer: He said there was no question that the former president was in practice and morally responsible for the outbreak of the riots. However, he considers the indictment itself to be unconstitutional, which is why he has not now voted in favor of Trump’s conviction.

Donald Trump issued a statement after the vote. In the document thanked the defense for “sticking to the truth” and the trial

the largest witch hunt in the country

classified. The former president also said in a statement that his political career was far from over. He put it this way: The Make America Great Again movement has just started, and you’ll hear more about it in the coming months.
