Index – National – FreeSZFE association received building, music students were upset


In Erzsébetváros, excitement is boiling after the left-wing city administration ceded the renovated part of the building at 4 Damjanich Street, not to the local music school, but to the newly formed FreeSZFE association, contrary to previous plans. .

A VII. The management of the Antal Molnár Music School, the teachers, the work community of their parents and some 600 students learned about this shocked and desperate – writes the director of the music school, Gábor Szemendri, in his desperate statement.

The mayor of Fidesz of Elizabeth City, Zsolt Vattamány, told this newspaper that the renovation of the building in question was decided in 2017 by the three deputy mayors of the city administration, Tibor Kispál, Ujvári-Fat and Monika Balazs Szucs. The latter was specifically at the forefront of the initiative. The reconstruction was completed shortly after the 2019 municipal elections, according to the concept of Tünde Kis, a former director of the music school. The doors and windows received reinforced sound insulation and the rehearsal rooms were also designed according to musical needs.

The district, which has a budget of tens of billions of guilders, can afford to make the property available to the institution supervised by the tank district center for free, said Zsolt Vattamány, adding that Erzsébetváros has a direct duty. to support such musical education. at the Antal Molnár School of Music.

The institution has been looking for a home that is better adapted to its educational work for a long time, since it currently provides music education to the youngest in eight different locations without their own building, in apartment buildings, in unworthy conditions. Mayor Péter Niedermüller February 8 It has already been agreed with the director of the Inner Pest Tank District Center, which maintains the school. They continued to fear that, under the direction of the Antal Molnár School of Music, the local government would look for a building in which the school could continue to function in decent conditions. The director of the tank district found this solution acceptable, but the management of the music school had not yet responded to the suggestion.

The FreeSZFE Association contacted the leaders of the Antal Molnár School of Music, and although they do not see the opportunity to participate in solving the situation of the music school at this time, they expressed their solidarity.
