Passport to Heaven – 444


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Good Morning! It is minus nine degrees in Budapest and the edge of Lake Balaton has started to freeze.

Our 4 most important articles now

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Security guards stand in front of the Wuhan Institute of Virology as they receive WHO envoys inside (February 3, 2021)Photo: HECTOR RETAMAL / AFP

A month ago, there were not as many new infections in Hungary as on Thursday. The British variant of the virus can certainly do that. János Szlávik also spoke about this, but he also did not give exact numbers, either because he is not told, or because he cannot tell, or because there is no exact data on him in Hungary. All three options are pretty depressing.

The number of infected people is increasing in most of the country, but the situation is extremely bad in Szabolcs. For days, this county has had the highest growth factor, showing the percentage increase in the number of infections recorded in the last seven days compared to the previous seven days. In Szabolcs, this has increased more than 80 percent twice in the last few days, suggesting a very fast spread, and it would be a logical explanation that this is caused by a British variant that spread 70 percent faster than the ancient coronavirus. In Zala, by the way, this number is -25, so the situation there improves a lot.

Despite the deterioration of the figures, the epidemic will end one day, you have to prepare for life after that. It is not certain that with the European Championship in the wet they really want to celebrate in Budapest in May. And there will be a graduation, according to EMMI, in 2021 it is planned to take place in a traditional way, with written and oral auditions. Pre-exam students can attend face-to-face consultations at schools.


The government has decided to present a document by which the state certifies that someone is protected against the coronavirus.

  • who has received the second vaccination, in this case it does not include a validity period, only the vaccination date,
  • who has recovered from coronavirus disease
  • that you had a positive PCR test and will have a negative test after the test,
  • that has had a positive test and has been quarantined can be certified for 10 days,
  • but there is also enough paper to prove the appearance of the antibody in someone who has been asymptomatically infected with the coronavirus, this is valid for 4 months.

What the document law entails has yet to be decided, nor is it known how the Hungarian certificate would fit into a European or global system. But that is still excellent news for those vaccinated and those who have contracted the disease.



On Thursday we learned that we had bought a vaccine in China for HUF 50 billion. Half a million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine could arrive in Hungary next week. Enough vaccines arrived from AstraZeneca yesterday to vaccinate 22,800 people.

In the long term, the very good news is that Pfizer vaccines have also started manufacturing in Germany, with 250 million doses by July. These are specifically intended for the EU, if they are actually delivered then it is really a realistic assumption that whoever wants to get vaccinated will get vaccinated in Hungary during the summer. Particularly good news is that the Pfizer vaccine has also been found to elicit a strong immune response against newer variants of the virus. Now all you have to do is push so that variants that circumvent existing vaccines do not appear until a sufficient number of people are vaccinated.

Putin, on the other hand, does not want to scoff at the vaccine. He will not get vaccinated in front of the cameras and will wait with him until the end of the summer.


Photo: Tamás Kovács / MTI / MTVA

There are many indications that the relationship between Finance Minister Mihály Varga and Governor György Matolcsy is not clear. Recently, it was Matolcsy who, in an unusually serious position in the NER, openly criticized the government’s economic policy from a serious position.

Varga did not openly wear the gloves, but Bertalan Tóth, the head of the MSZP, rushed to his aid, who addressed a written question to the minister. In this, Tóth asked Varga without mentioning Matolcsy, but literally repeating Matolcsy’s words. Varga responded to Tóth on paper and to Matolcsy in essence:

  • “Contrary to the opinions you have cited, the Hungarian economy is not lagging behind on average in recent years, but on a dynamic growth trajectory.”
  • “The idea that a further increase in public investment can offset the slowdown caused by the epidemic is based on a misconception.”
  • “It would be a mistake, and a professional mistake, to base the protection of the economy solely on boosting public investment, especially in light of supply and capacity constraints in the epidemic.”
  • “In this sense, the question of the leader of the Faction Group about the backwardness of the Hungarian economy is a mistake.” (Tóth literally quoted Matolcsy here).



Science may have found the Holy Grail, in which many will rejoice even more than in eternal life. After decades of futile attempts and ineffective dietary supplements marketed as a miracle cure, a Danish company has found a drug that can actually help with weight loss.

Developed and used to treat non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, semaglutide was given to patients in doses much higher than those recommended for treating diabetes, causing them to lose an average of 15 percent of their weight body in 68 weeks. If semaglutide passes all the tests, it could be more successful than Viagra.

More fantastic news from the world of science:


It did not cause as much storm as it should have, but a recent Curia judgment made the situation even worse for the Hungarian media, especially the Hungarian public media. This practically established that from now on no more opposition politicians would have to be invited to public television. They haven’t called much so far, but now there will be something to refer to.

According to the Curia, even if the M1 only indicates the existence of opposing opinions, it is sufficient for balanced information. Another court had seen the situation completely differently before. We look at which case led to the decision, which could have a serious impact on the future of public service media.

We have also written about another court ruling that is significantly more favorable to free media. Gábor Sinkovics, an employee of Nemzeti Sport, won in second instance against Mediaworks, which sued him for his article published in 444. In the emotional and subjective article, he wrote about how the local Orbán journalist fired him after 30 years for political reasons. The pro-government press empire wanted revenge in hindsight, but failed.

Revenge against Klubrádio, on the other hand, is good, even though it will be discussed in the European Parliament, the head of the media council has now stated that “the Hungarian media market is diverse and free” and he “believes in it. rule of law “.

By the way, this “rule of law” now holds that the commemorative tour of the eruption in the Hungarian nation demands glory for the participants of the Budapest eruption of 1945, who

“With their allied German comrades, they resisted the red peril of Hungary until the last assault, the last breath.”


Protesters in Paris in June 2020 demand justice for Adama Traore.Photo: Samuel Boivin / NurPhoto via AFP

A strange fact in France: the country’s intellectual elite fear the repetition of progressive American theories about race, gender and post-colonialism. Besides Macron, many scholars also find America’s social theories, which they consider radical, troubling. According to the new points of view, these threaten the entire French Republic.



Photo: Framing Britney Spears / The New York Times Presents / Hulu

Britney Spears is not the first teenage star to later lose her life, but the American singer really did get very nervous. Britney practically ceased to exist under the supervision of her father, forced to live under guardianship, isolated from the world.

An infinitely depressing documentary has been made about him, showing how he was treated by the media and how he came to total collapse. But in this, too, it can only appear in stock images.

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