Index – Foreign – From Bangladeshi Siamese Twins to Hungarian Spies


Last week, the Index wrote in detail that according to al-Jazirah news, the Bangladeshi military had purchased Israeli-made mass interception devices from an Israeli company that Bangladesh had no diplomatic or commercial relations with Israel. The news channel obtained the contract, with which the Bangladesh army tried to disguise that the devices came from Israel, the document shows a Hungarian company as a manufacturer. However, PicSix Hungary does not exist, there is no trace of it in the official database of the company. However, the Bangladesh army insists that the assets come from Hungary.

The younger brother of the leader of the Bangladesh army, Aziz Ahmed, is none other than Haris Ahmed, who has been in hiding in Budapest for years. Harist was sentenced to life in prison in Bangladesh for political murder, but escaped verdict to Hungary. Here he bought real estate and also founded companies under the pseudonym Mohammad Hasan, according to the investigation by Direkt36. the al-Jazzira Haris Ahmed also reportedly played a key role in the acquisition of espionage equipment by the Bangladesh army.

The Index sent several questions to both the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and we received a joint response:

In response to electronic requests from the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, we inform you that the Ministry of the Interior does not consider it its task to investigate a non-existent company and, consequently, its clearly non-existent business activities.

By the way, in 2019, Aziz Ahmed also came into contact with Hungary in a really noble case, he provided the military hospital in Dhaka, where Siamese twins in Bangladesh underwent separation surgery. The Hungarian medical team was attended by dr. Gergely Pataki plastic surgeon, honorary consul of Bangladesh and dr. András Csókay is also a neurosurgeon. Aziz Ahmed also presented Gergely Pataki with a medal after the successful surgery.

(Cover photo: Aziz Ahmed on August 6, 2015 in New Delhi. Photo: Sushil Kumar / Hindustan Times / Getty Images)
