Creepy photos of Schumacher were taken without the family’s knowledge


News that has been appearing for years has been republished in the English and Italian newspapers. A deformed traitor is like this sell photos Michael Schumacherről, that he did in the family villa of the family on the legend there nurtured with complete secrecy. The perpetrator may have been a former staff member. Those who have seen the images claim that they are truly shocking photos of Schumacher. Write Ripost.

According to the latest reports The British Mirror, for example, was offered images of Schumi for publication for £ 1 million. However, the newspaper rightly condemns the violation of the privacy of the seven-time world champion. Not by accident, since The Schumacher family has been struggling with every possible method for seven years. against the press that reports images or information about the condition of the legendary athlete.

Michael Schumacher

Photo: (MTI / EPA / Franck Robichon)

Michael Schumacher suffered a serious skull injury on December 29, 2013 in a skiing accident. His wife, Corinna Schumacher Since then, in the rarest cases, they have communicated anything about their existence that they believe strictly private matter.

The family also immediately responded to the photos mentioned above. Ms. Corinna requested special attention from her lawyers and the police to prevent the images from being made public.

Fans can see Schumi again in a documentary

As Metropol has already reported, a documentary on the life of the seven-time Formula One world champion is being made. It has not yet been revealed when the investigative cinema will be shown, but the Daily Star knows that unprecedented footage of the contestant will be shown at the movie.

Michael Schumacher

Photo: AFP

Private recordings Michael Schumacher his family presented the documentary to award-winning German filmmakers Michael Wech and Hanns-Bruno Kammertons.

The documentary will also feature the pilot’s wife, son and daughter.
