The Siberian air will blow tomorrow with a hurricane wind


Rain, snow and sleet are expected in the next few days, the temperature will be between -20 and -10 degrees in the morning by the end of the week, writes Köpö in its forecast.

Mom in the morning another block of precipitation arrives from the southwest, as a result of which more and more rain is forming in the north. From the afternoon and evening, it will be replaced by snow in the northwest, as the wind turns to the northwest the marked cold robbery begins. The temperature is between 4 and 12 degrees.

Thursday With the force of a hurricane (90-110 km / h) in Bakony and Lake Balaton, which is becoming increasingly stormy in many places, very cold air is entering the area of ​​Hungary. During the day, the temperature does not rise, It can be frozen everywhere in the afternoon. Cloud passes with scattered snow showers are expected, but in eastern landscapes, along a confluence, it can snow even more permanently.

Friday and Saturday There will be passages of clouds, there may be scattered snow showers. The northwest wind will be permanently strong, especially in Transdanubia there can still be stormy gusts. In the morning it will be wolf cold with -20, -10 ° C, in the afternoon there will be strong frosts with values ​​between -9, -1 degrees.

It’ll be cold for the next few daysPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo
