Index – National – The situation threatens life, Normafa has been closed


At night, the snowfall began in Normafa after a small rain, a layer of ice about 1 cm thick was deposited on the branches in the highest parts, you can read on the Facebook page of the Municipality of the Mountain.

*At dusk, the snowfall began in Normafa after the small rain, in the highest parts, a layer of ice about 1 cm thick on the branches …

Posted by Hegyvidék – Over District – Tuesday, February 9, 2021

As it was written, a larger branch was uprooted and a tree fell on the way to the Elizabeth Lookout Tower.

In various places, a thick layer of ice has built up on the trees, branches can be torn off, trees can fall, so staying there has become extremely dangerous.

The situation around the János hill is the most dangerous.

To avoid accidents, the Municipality of the Mountain imposes the prohibition of visits to the forest in the areas of Normafa and Cerro János. Normafa’s parking lot is closed, they wrote.

The measure is valid until it is revoked, it is indicated in the registry.

Pedestrian and bicycle paths will be closed with no-entry strips. For your own safety, do not visit Normafa until the restriction is lifted

– He wrote to the Municipality of the Mountain.
