Gábor Miklós Kerényi regularly humiliated Kata Janza, the actress said.


Actress Janza Kata spoke on her Endre Kadarkai World Gathering program about how Gábor Kerényi humiliated her at the Operetta Theater, prompting her resignation. As is known, the Gábor Miklós Kerényi harassment scandal reached the public in the fall of 2017, and in the spring of 2018, the Operetta Theater finally fired its former director and later artistic director with an extraordinary dismissal.

KEROPhoto: Klára Margitay / Life.hu

Gábor Miklós Kerényi humiliated Janza Kata in front of the company on several occasions, for which the actress first gave Gábor Miklós Kerényi oral notice and wrote him a letter a second time, but both times she finally withdrew her resignation.

There were times when he yelled at me so much, not famous for instructing people with such kindness anyway, that I absolutely felt like a selfish humiliation in front of the entire company. He said I’m not fit and it’s not true that I can’t do what he asks me said the actress. He also added that he had witnessed Gábor Miklós Kerényi humiliating others at the company on several occasions.

Janza KataPhoto: Ambrus Marcsi / Facebook / Mariann Peller’s interview with Janza Kata

When the presenter asked how Janza felt when she fired Gábor Kerényi Miklós, who called himself Keró, the actress said it was like the case of a prisoner and a detainee:

We were a company with Stockholm syndrome long after– He said. He was tired when he finished and Kerényi had left the Operetta.

The actress said that she and the company were said to have become addicted to this leadership style because they believed in it.

