Index – National – János Szlávik: People over 65 cannot receive AstraZeneca in Hungary either


As a precautionary measure, Hungary decided not to administer the Astra-Zeneca vaccine to over 65 years, said János Szlávik, chief infection doctor at Central South Pest Hospital, on M1 on Saturday.

As you said, the vaccine that AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford recently arrived in Hungary is a so-called vector vaccine that uses a harmless chimpanzee adenovirus to be recognized by the human body as a coronavirus.

After two vaccinations administered three weeks apart, the protection will be more than 80 percent, while at the same time protecting people almost 100 percent from serious illness, hospitalizations, and death from coronavirus infection. AstraZeneca can be stored in a refrigerator, which makes it much easier to use. Some countries, including Hungary, have cautiously decided not to give AstraZeneca to those over 65 years of age. However, this may change as more and more older people in the world receive the vaccine.

János Slavik said. He stressed that it is not possible to classify the coronavirus vaccines available in Hungary according to their effectiveness, they all have very few side effects, hardly cause local reactions and all are capable of preventing serious diseases.

None of the vaccines have more side effects than other previously known types of vaccines. There is no need to fear bodily reactions to the vaccine, as they indicate that the human body has recognized the injection.

– said the chief doctor, adding that the willingness to vaccinate is increasing in Hungary. As he said, a few weeks ago, there were about 35 percent of those who would definitely be vaccinated with some form of coronavirus vaccination, a rate that is now more than 40 percent, and even higher for those most at risk.

According to János Szlávik, 50-60 percent of the Hungarian population can receive the first vaccination against the coronavirus in May, if a sufficient quantity of vaccine reaches the country.
