Orbán: If someone does not accept the newly available vaccine, they go to the end of the line


Only at the vaccination site can patients be given the type of coronavirus vaccine. Viktor Orban I speak of Andrej Babis at a joint press conference with the Czech Prime Minister on Friday.

Orbán’s words were not quoted by the MTI and only other media were allowed to enter the press conference. Euronews found the speech on one of the AP news agency’s commodities.

According to this, the Prime Minister

In Hungary, vaccination is voluntary and free. So when someone goes to the vaccination site, those who are registered, we vaccinate them, they tell them what vaccine they can give them. And if it is not necessary, you do not accept it, it goes to the end of the line and if there is a vaccine you want, we will let you know again.

Based on this, citizens are unlikely to be informed in a notification letter or by email what vaccine to expect, which could be even more important once the Russian and Chinese vaccines are introduced at home. By the way, according to government bulletins, there is not much to wait.

Orbán did not elaborate on what it means for someone to be at the end of the line if they do not order the currently available vaccine. Therefore, it is not known whether they will reappear in their own vaccination group or among all people waiting for the vaccine.

It is also not clear why, according to Orbán, if the vaccine is available, the patient will be notified, but in this case it will happen earlier than if he were waiting for everyone in line in front of him.
