Viktor Orbán announced: next week we can get vaccinated with the Russian vaccine – What do you need to know about it?


Sputnik V vaccine is based on modern technology vector vaccine. Developed by the Russian Gamaleya Institute (Gamaleya National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology), two different doses of the vaccine use two different human adenovirus vectors (Ad5 and Ad26).

The Russian vaccine is believed to provide protection against the coronavirus for more than two years.

The results of the phase 1/2 studies were published in the renowned medical journal The Lancet, as was the result of the phase 3 tests published on February 2, according to which:

The vaccine is 91.6% effective, has no major side effects and is 91.8% in the elderly.

The efficacy of Sputnik V based on the previous test result is almost as high as that of the Pfizer / BioNtech and Moderna formulations now available in Hungary, which were 95% based on the results of clinical trials. However, it is not yet known whether the Russian vaccine is equally effective against growing mutations in the coronavirus (some of the vaccine studies from other major manufacturers suggest that these mutations may be resistant to the products).

We write about Hungary’s vaccination campaign in detail in this article, the most important scenarios are shown in the following figure.

The improvements have been harshly criticized by many, as phase 3 clinical trials were still underway when the vaccination program in the country had already started. The largest Russian randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 40,000 people began on September 7, 2020 and is expected to have final results by May 1, according to the official registry.

On January 22, Hungary signed an agreement with Russia to purchase a large quantity of Sputnik V vaccine.

Hungary bought two million doses of the coronavirus vaccine from Russia to vaccinate one million people.

Hungarian license

In Hungary, the Gamelaya vaccine received the OGYÉI license on January 20, along with the AstraZeneca vaccine made with similar technology. We also reported on a letter from MOK President Gyula Kincses stating that since there is no document on the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI) website on the use of Chinese and Russian coronavirus vaccines already authorized, the Hungarian Medical Chamber) “cannot recommend the use of preparations with a clear conscience.”

On Thursday, the MOK published the reply letter from the Director General of OGYÉI, Mátyás Szentiványi, in which he emphasizes that in the current epidemic situation, OGYÉI is exposed to increased pressure.

Of course, even in such circumstances, the documents will be released immediately,

even before mass vaccinations with the two vaccines involved begin, long before the doctor’s colleagues needed it, the CEO wrote, asking for understanding and patience.

Sputnik V vaccine storage conditions are simpler than Pfizer’s, -18 degrees Celsius is enough to store and thaw in a normal 2-8 degree refrigerator. The vaccine costs less than $ 10 per dose, which is much cheaper., such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, for which manufacturers ask for $ 20 and $ 33, respectively. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, made with similar technology to the Sputnik V vaccine (a viral vector), is by far the cheapest, costing $ 4 a dose.

Image source: MTI / EPA / Yuri Kocsetkov. The cover image is Russian against coronavirus vaccine, Sputnik V shows a nurse at the vaccination center installed at the GUM store in Moscow on January 19, 2021.
