Slavic: Russian vaccine is even more modern than AstraZeneca’s


János Slavik added: As time passes, the willingness to vaccinate increases in Hungary, because more and more people can see how the lives of those who have already been vaccinated change.

The expert also stressed that it is not a decision where a vaccine comes from what should be taken, but what is known. He noted that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is manufactured similarly to that of the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. Also, the Russian vaccine is even more modern because it consists of two types of vaccines, he added.

János Slavik said there are currently few ventilators at South Pest Central Hospital, but the decline in the number of coronavirus patients has stopped. Therefore, he evaluated, looking around Europe, “we cannot relax”, the restrictions must be maintained. It is even conceivable that the number of newly registered infected people will rise, he said, also noting that in countries where they have relaxed, “a very serious epidemic is raging.”

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