Antal Rogán has already earned 422.8 million florins with his invention


Antal Rogán earned 422.8 million HUF with his invention of information technology three years ago, Népszava calculated from the property declarations of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet over the last four years.

The newspaper recalls: five years ago, shortly before its closure, Népszabadság learned that the Fidesz politician and two businessmen, already involved in suspicions of proximity to Fidesz in another case, Balázs Csík Y Csaba Lengyel shortly before, he requested the protection of a ‘digital signature’ or ‘authentication’ procedure for an electronic file. Antal Rogán acknowledged their participation, and then the three inventors sold their development to Mobilsign Kft. A few months after submitting their application. It was possible to stipulate in this secret contract the proportion of the company that would divide the income from the use of the idea among the three inventors. But Mobilsign was not very far from them either. The company was registered as the owner both before and after by Balázs Csík, who held the position of managing director, together with Csaba Lengyel for a long time. It is true that during the period of the transaction, Ltd. Pozsgai Petra, designated and directed by Balázs Kertész’s ex-wife, who became famous as a close lawyer of Antal Rogán.After some legalization, the patent finally received international protection from European authorities in 2018.

It turned out that Magyar Telekom had already implemented the system to endorse electronic documents, which were not yet protected at the time, and to verify the identity of the signer. According to court data, Antal Rogán’s income from the invention exceeded a third of Mobilsign’s total turnover, which transferred money last year and before.
