Viktor Orbán’s announcement has arrived: a free 10-year loan is coming!


At the beginning of his speech, the Prime Minister affirmed that the Economic Protection Plan lasted until January 1, 2021, now the country is turning to the attack after the defense that so far, the Economic Restart Plan has been launched . It consists of three stages.

The Economic Restart Action Plan will be implemented in three phases – said Viktor Orbán.

  • First phase: started on January 1, lasts until the end of March.
  • Second phase: lasts until July 1, starting on April 1.
  • Third phase: begins the first of July and lasts until the beginning of October.

The epidemic opened a completely new era, the era of defense. The crisis could not topple the Hungarian economy, because the economy was strong, but it certainly brought us together and gave us a big stomach. It slowed down because of that, ”he explained.

There was a danger that we could not move. But this did not happen, a considerable part of the Hungarian economy was working, it was working well, the other part came to a complete stop. This is how we enter into the implementation of the defense plan. What tools do we use? Thanks to the credit moratorium, 3,000 million HUF remained in the pockets of families and entrepreneurs; we provide wage subsidies; we let go of soco; We cut the business tax in half; We provide investment support to 1,444 Hungarian companies, helping the government maintain 280,000 jobs.

The Széchenyi Card played an important role in the crisis, he recalled. We gave cheap resources and loans to economic actors.

More than half of the resources flowing into the economy helped micro and small businesses, mainly Hungarians, he said.

The success of the economy is demonstrated by work. In December, as many people worked in Hungary as a year before, and this in itself shows that the defense achieved its goal, because the goal was to keep the jobs – it assessed the situation. More than 4.5 million Hungarians work, he noted.

We have maintained the position in which we previously fought in the race for unemployment. Hungary has maintained its prominent place, with the third lowest unemployment rate in the EU, it drew attention.

Overall, we have avoided the great temptation to revert to an aid-based economy in times of crisis. Many people say that it should be shared, it may be convenient, but I do not see Hungary as such a country. If we distribute profits, employment is reduced. Hungary has that gift, he said.

We have not returned to an economy based on aid despite the crisis, he stressed.
