Index – National – Viktor Orbán: Where did you fight for the rule of law? I fought in the streets of Budapest


The European Union is made up of sovereign nations, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized in an interview published in Thursday’s edition of the German magazine Stern.

The Prime Minister, quoting the MTI in the interview, spoke about the fact that, although the Hungarian opinion is that Europe is made up of sovereign nations, some member states seek to strengthen European institutions and transfer more and more powers to Brussels. Hungarians view this centralism with concern because of their historical experiences. The pattern of Hungarian history is the fight against empires, and we no longer want to renounce our sovereignty and the rule of law, which we have won for 31 years for Central and Eastern Europe. When asked why Hungary did not leave the EU following the British example, he replied that

better for us in the union,

and Brexit was “a big mistake, it should have been avoided.”

He hopes that the EU will mainly preserve the centuries-old European tradition of sovereign and culturally diverse nations. We want a cultural context in which we feel good, ”he said. Hungary also hopes that the EU can acquire modern knowledge and technology, as well as geopolitical stability and security. It is important for us to belong to an alliance that provides security, ”said the Prime Minister.

He stressed that, of course, Hungary fully accepts the basic values ​​set out in the second article of the Lisbon Treaty on the EU. These values ​​are also included in the Basic Law of Hungary.

In Hungary, it is inconceivable that a Jewish institution needs armed protection, he noted, adding that one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe lives in Budapest, and it is a social task to ensure that Jewish life can develop in complete freedom. He stressed that the forces ruling Hungary today come from the anti-communist rule of law movement.

To my Western partners who doubt our rule of law, I always say, dear friends, where have you fought for the rule of law? I fought in the streets of Budapest

Viktor Orbán said. I already find the situation absurd to ask myself questions about the rule of law and outrageous, especially since the unproven accusations have never been linked to clear and objective criteria, “he added.

On the situation of the press, among others, he said, objective analyzes show that the market share of the media that are highly critical of the government is well above 50 percent. He added that the government “does not intervene” in media matters.

Isn’t the land of fairy tales for everyone?

Regarding family policy, he explained, among other things, that the Basic Law establishes that the family is a bond between a woman and a man, and that this does not constitute intolerance. With regard to the discussion around the fairy tale book Fairy Tale for All, he stated that “let’s leave our children alone”, he said that the volume contains stories of “sexual propaganda” aimed at influencing the personality of children. There really is a border in Hungary, and a large proportion of people agree with what I have said. We are patient, but we must ensure that children can develop in peace, emphasized Viktor Orbán.

The “fierce protest against the work is very justified,” but at the same time “it is not right to use symbols that go back to the world of fascism or communism,” said Dora Dúró, vice president of a party called Nuestro País. Movement, publicly destroyed a copy of the work.

Regarding the relationship with Islam, he said that Hungarians do not want Muslims to appear in large numbers in their country and cause a “cultural change” in their lives. Muslims in Hungary were “admitted by ourselves” and they “accepted that they lived in a Christian-Jewish country and obeyed our laws.”

This basic position does not only apply to Muslims. So, for example, we have an excellent relationship with the Chinese, but

We don’t want five million Chinese to come tomorrow

Said the Prime Minister.

With regard to the EU legal disputes over the accommodation of asylum seekers, he emphasized that “we fundamentally oppose illegal immigration”, while asylum seekers received “regular care”, only objecting to not being able to move freely outside of reception centers.

That is why transit zones open to Serbia or Croatia have been created, but unfortunately the Union has not accepted this either. Thus, the transit zones were closed, but the European Commission did not accept the solution of submitting asylum applications to the Hungarian embassies in safe third countries. Therefore, now we have to wait for another court decision in this “cat and mouse game,” explained Viktor Orbán.

He opposes any policy that gives those in need the feeling that immigration to Europe is the solution, as this would put everyone on a difficult and dangerous path. According to him, Hungary complies with the rule established in international treaties, which stipulates that people who flee their homes for good reason have the right to be admitted to a safe country. However, there is no international law allowing the selection of this country.

The EU’s approach to hosting refugees goes far beyond the rights set out in the International Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Unfortunately, this perception has become the political benchmark and will immediately turn into a black lamb who does not share this policy.

According to Viktor Orbán, migration will be a big problem for European civilization in the next twenty years, and this is a matter for national parliaments to decide. He stressed that Hungary is a “very diverse” country in cultural and religious terms, in which religions and worldviews coexist harmoniously without conflict. We love diversity within our own culture, but what comes from outside, we are very careful with it, also because we are a small country, closed this line of thought.

Verbal disassembly would be required

Viktor Orbán emphasized that the interviewers described his speech as anti-German rhetoric against the Germans, that his words were never directed against the Germans, and since it was not the Germans but the Hungarians who elected him to the position, he directed his words to not the Germans but the Hungarians.

Citing statements by leading German politicians on Hungary, he added that, in general, the vocabulary of politicians should be improved and “verbal disarmament” would be needed. He highlighted that the 2015 refugee crisis showed that

German politics believe in a post-Christian and post-national Europe,

which Hungarians don’t believe in.

In this situation, we should be tolerant of each other and say that you think this and that, but that makes us friends. However, the Germans said that migration should be regarded as the majority of Germans. The Hungarians do not want this, which causes recurrent tensions in bilateral relations. This is the Hungarian reading of the last five years – said Viktor Orbán.

Among others, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke. In her words, politics is “a strong woman who bears two crosses: German and European politics”, but she always seeks respect.
