Index – Domestic – Orbán pays a debt, Rogán remarried


The patrimonial declarations of the members of parliament for the year 2020 have been made public. According to János Hargitai, chairman of the KDNP of the Parliamentary Immunity Committee, 198 members of Parliament, members of nationalities and 12 national defenders presented their declarations of ownership to their spouses or couples living in the same household. These documents, and the data recorded in them, are based on the deputies ‘and politicians’ own statements.

In a separate article in the Index, we wrote what was contained in the declaration of assets of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and President János Áder. Based on the available documents, we went through the ministers (although some are still missing, since has not been updated until the publication of our article), the most important government and opposition politicians. We’ve highlighted some of the more interesting asset statements and briefly summarized them.

Viktor Orban His declaration of assets paints the picture of a Puritan prime minister who has no savings and has been paying off his mortgage debt to his wife since 2002. He is progressing quite well already, because of the 20 million guilders, only 882,110 guilders have to be repaid. . Viktor Orbán does not have many properties: he is the co-owner of a XII. owned by the district and owns a house in Felcsút purchased in September 2013.

Rogan Antal One of the most interesting parts of his declaration of assets was that the document revealed that the head of the Prime Minister’s Office had remarried. You can also be happy with your savings – you increased your assets placed in savings deposits from HUF 809 million to HUF 822 million. Compared to this, it is insignificant that its debt to individuals remained at HUF 18.2 million.

János Lázár According to its heritage declaration, it is also strongly linked to agriculture: it has a lot of arable land in Mártély, Mindszent and Hódmezővásárhely, and it also has the right of ownership and usufruct in forests, pastures, embankments and swamps. In 2020, he also bought arable land in Földeák and a vineyard in Mád. He did not detail his valuable personal property, only wrote that he had works of art and paintings. He also indicated 12 million HUF in cash on his statement, but he also owes 40 million HUF to individuals.

To Szilárd Németh, the vice president of Fidesz had a bank savings of 8.5 million in his statement last year, which has now disappeared. You don’t have a car, you don’t have a business, but you can also be happy that you don’t owe anyone. He is half the owner of a family home in Csepel, where he lives with his wife and two children. A XXI. The district owns a cooperative house in a neighborhood, and in the same place, to the same extent, an orchard is attached to it.

Gábor Kubatov, the Fidesz party director does not speak much in parliament, his statement of assets does not reveal any special changes: his life insurance went from 2.1 million HUF to 2.35 million HUF, his cash decreased from 10, 5 million HUF to 10 million HUF, while its bank debt decreased by 1.5 million HUF to 22.5 million HUF. It is still an auto repair company. and a bt. half is his, 3.34 percent in the Casa de los Ciudadanos, while in the FTC, as is well known, he is a member of the board and president of the association. He continues to include his collection of thousands of records in his declaration of assets.

Jakab PéterThe biggest change compared to last year’s asset declaration by Jobbik’s chairman is that he has HUF 4.1 million in cash. Its debts decreased minimally, from 10.1 million HUF to 9.15 million HUF. It is still called half of a 106 square meter house in Miskolc.

The MSZP Zsolt Molnár He sold a Volkswagen Arteon but bought a Zsiguli 1500. His bank account had 1.9 million HUF in 2019, and in 2020 this amount increased to 10,800,000 HUF. A socialist politician in a II. In addition to the district winery, he is a co-owner of several properties, such as a XIII. district apartment, and also in a 119 square meter flat in Zamárdi.

Ákos Hadházy The most interesting point of the declaration of assets of an independent member of Parliament was the donation of 5.2 million HUF (received from various donors) to “pay the political punishment of Comrade Kövér and Comrade Péterfalvi” and “continue the fight against corruption and propaganda activities “.

Wind in Bernadett there are not many changes, he owns a 90 square meter residential building in Budakeszi, and Pátyon still owns one hundred percent of a 170 square meter residential building. He has a hundred thousand guilders a month for real estate rental, but in 2019 he had no special savings, but by 2020 he had purchased pension insurance worth 600 thousand guilders.

To Ferenc Gyurcsány He has a 50 square meter apartment in Pápa, and he owns a 267 square meter apartment in Half. Their savings in securities have increased by 89 million HUF since last year, currently by 823 million HUF. Bank loans and securities backed loans amount to HUF 272 million. Both have increased significantly from last year, by about 66 million, causing the president of DK to go into more and more debt.

(Cover Image: ppi / Index)
