We have become the most corrupt state in the EU; it turned out that the budget deficit had become 1,420 percent of the original goal; There is a great debate about the reopening in Hungary and abroad. This is hvg.hu’s weekly economic summary.

So far Hungary has been the second most corrupt state in the EU, but according to Transparency International’s recently released Corruption Perception Index for 2020, we have already become the most corrupt place in the EU in a triple tie with Bulgaria. and Romania.

The report concluded that the government is using the epidemic to further strengthen its power and convert even more public money into private money. In the presentation of the report, it was also said that the relationship between non-corruption and national income among EU member states has never been greater, at 83 percent.

Last year, the part of public finances without local governments closed with a deficit of 5.55 billion HUF, that is, the deficit became 1.420 percent of the annual goal. The tax revenue side of the budget did not reverse as sharply, but social security funds were affected by the epidemic.

On the expenditure side, however, about half of the budget chapters have completely disappeared. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade expenditures reached 383% of the original plan, the Prime Minister’s Office closed at 228%, and in total 160% of the original appropriation became the final amount of expenditures. Of the total annual deficit of HUF 5.6 billion, HUF 2.3 billion was recorded in December.

The government will exclude the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health from the coronavirus vaccine license, any vaccine that has already been vaccinated to more than a million people and has been licensed for emergency use can also be licensed from us, it was announced on Thursday. Compliance with the conditions is determined by Péter Szijjártó. A day after that, OGYÉI issued the license for the Sinopharm vaccine in China.

After Pfizer-BioNtech’s temporary problems, the maker of AstraZeneca announced this week that they would not be able to produce as much as they had previously promised; there is still a debate as to whether this is a breach of contract. “The logic is that whoever arrives first can have an advantage, it could exist with a polar butcher, but not here,” said the EU health commissioner. And Sanofi has announced that because its own vaccine will be significantly delayed, it will help produce the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine with 100 million doses in one year. Keeping cold will also be a serious undertaking with this vaccine: the managing director of one of the Hungarian dry ice companies, Messer Hungarogáz Kft., Calculated that 38 tons of dry ice would be needed to vaccinate all Hungarians with the Pfizer vaccine.

This week, the OSC released its demographic data for 2020, according to which the coronavirus was probably the number one death in the last three months of the year, and natural weight loss, that is, the difference between deaths and births, It was the second highest in the last 120 volt years.

Picture of the Week: They started cleaning a lake in Serbia after their eyes were already threatened by the hydroelectric plant there.


The legal regulation of apartment restaurants has not been clear so far, but now they themselves do not always know if it is legal to host companies of less than ten people. A big blow for the catering companies is the closure due to the epidemic and, at the moment, state aid does not arrive much. Local support is in a few places: II. The self-government of the district will launch the terrace pass, and in Székesfehérvár, those who lose their jobs will receive 100,000 HUF. The truth is that the current regulations will remain until March 1.

Meanwhile, people are less and less tolerated by epidemiological rigor. As we showed in our overseas survey, there are places where cars catch fire due to curfew restrictions, elsewhere restaurants defy mandatory closing hours, and there are also cities where lone students try to persuade leaders to schools reopen.

The current president of the Balaton Circle, Bence Laposa, also won the largest grant of 71.5 million HUF from the Hungarian Tourism Agency with his two wine terraces, which exceeded the guarantee for many because, like the 24.hu He wrote, as a consultant, he himself gave the agency a list of wineries and gastronomic companies that he considered worthy of support.

After this was revealed, the president and the full presidency of the association offered to resign. The Jedermann café on Ráday street has announced that it will dispose of the Laposa wines, and the remaining stock can be withdrawn for a quantity of your choice.

We’ve seen a lot of stock market globes before, but what is happening now is unique: A group of Reddites retail investors have decided to raise the share price of video game store chain GameStop. Everyone knew in advance that it was an artificial balloon, and it is hardly clear what the end will be.

There are those who want to see money with this, but that is not everyone’s goal, but rather to penalize the big investors who bet that the shares of the company will fall and now fall into billions of dollars. However, many warn that while many small investors may feel ignored by the big ones, the US stock market soared during the crisis and the world’s ten richest people made a total of $ 500 billion in the time of the epidemic, here too they risk their own money, and whatever hurts the big players, they themselves can fail.

Shortly after Joe Biden got to work, he started showing what he was talking about when he promised to take climate change seriously. It has banned the issuance of additional oil and gas production licenses in federal states, required the amount of wind power produced in the country to be doubled by 2030, and pledged to preserve 30 percent of federal territories and waters by 2030 in its current state.

The oil industry associations are understandably disliked by the move, and one organization also filed a lawsuit minutes after the president signed the decrees, citing an abuse of power. According to the oil industry, millions of jobs will be threatened by the decision and will increase dependence on imported energy.

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