We can see an interesting scene in the video uploaded to Facebook.

“The pen will be stolen immediately,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, as Peter Szijjártó’s interpreter reached for the pens on the negotiating table and placed one in his purse, Népszava warned. The video capturing this was posted on the Facebook page of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and it is unknown what its purpose was with recording the guests in an awkward situation.

The incident occurred after Lavrov spoke in English with his Hungarian colleague, Péter Szijjártó, to say something to the cameras, and then the quoted sentence was spoken in Russian. It is not known why the Hungarian delegation did not pay attention to this, or it is even conceivable that the events occurred in a pre-established way, but then the question of what the Russian foreign affairs wanted with the video is even more tortuous. .

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