The left-wing mayor of Józsefváros threatens family doctors, evoking the Rákosi era


On the subject, the Hungarian Nation, referring to News Eight, writes that the office workers tried to protect the left-wing mayor András Pikó He didn’t even know about the letter, he just signed it automatically. “Several responded to the mayor’s letter, and we agreed with the one who wrote the letter, because the mayor probably didn’t read it, he just signed it, in that one thing could easily have a short circuit: if they wrote us another letter apologizing in the style . However, this letter did not arrive, although we discussed this possibility a week and a half ago ”. He told the News Eight András Héczey, a family doctor from Józsefváros, who tried to contact András Pikó after receiving the threatening letter.

Ask certain questions if the mayor doesn’t even know what he’s signing. In this case, two things could have happened: the mayor knew what was in the letter, only the staff working under him were trying to save Pico’s honor, or the mayor didn’t really know what he was signing, and that it was gross negligence and incompetence.

András Pikó is happySource: Facebook

The mayor’s handwriting and style remind us of Rákosi’s darkest era. This is not style, especially not that of a balliberal mayor. Fidesz used this style here in VIII. district never allowed it. He was extremely respectful and supportive of the GPs. – András Héczey drew, who added that the origin of the dispute, the problem of the telephone system, had already been pointed out to the local government.

Such a threatening letter, in that style, just the Irish one, not in the picture at all with the health care operation. Said another Józsefváros GP, who asked that his name be withheld, in response to Hírnyolc’s request. Since the coronavirus epidemic, neither András Pikó nor the local government have asked me how we can help each other, I have not received any support. Added. According to the doctor, “this attitude endangers the care of the family doctor and breaks a stable vision based on trust.”

The Hungarian Nation wrote a few days ago: Instead of informally questioning Peak, he threatened to fire him in a loud letter to the GPs. The mayor affirmed as a fact that GPs do not do their job well, they do not answer the phone to patients. All this based on the complaints of some residents of the district …

In his letter, András Pikó stated that if the GP does not fulfill his obligations under the contract even after a written request, the local government can terminate his contract.

The letter signed by the left-wing mayor can be read below:

Source: Hungarian Nation

However, what András Pikó allegedly did not know: the landline connected to the GP does not indicate whether it is busy, there is no call waiting, the patient who calls perceives it as a free line. Also, on the website of the Józsefváros City Council, on the website of Józsefvá, the order times were bad for a long time, which led to many complications, so patients thought that GPs were unreachable.

The interesting thing about the case is that There is a lack of practice in Józsefváros, retired healthcare workers and general practitioners keep the orders, and their identity is almost irreplaceable in the Józsefváros healthcare system.

That is exactly why he created it. Maté Kocsis The former pro-government mayor used the GP career model to make district service attractive and keep district health care functional. Sara botond At the time of the ruling mayor, a family doctor came to the district with the help of the new program, to fill the empty office, he managed to attract an older family doctor to the district by receiving a service apartment.

One of the first decisions of the left-wing mayor, András Pikó, was to declare the sixty rehabilitated municipal flats for public services as rental flats. Although the Fidesz city administration had a definite goal of offering those flats to doctors and law enforcement workers who were willing to serve in the district. Now this possibility is no longer available by decision of the current mayor, in addition: Pico’s arrogant action could dissuade doctors from working at Józsefváros.

Instead of a real local government job, András Pikó is busy building the power center of Soros organizations in Hungary.

As previously reported with reference to’s research material, it was built in the district led by the former Pikó radio club György soros center of power in Hungary, with the clear objective of Pseudo-civil organizations financed by American billionaires should intervene in the national parliamentary election campaign of 2022.

György sorosFront: AFP / Fabrice Coffrini

In a special way, the center of the Soros Empire is a nightclub called Aurora, which is well known for the use of various drugs by guests and a radical left center. Instead he got into the Aurora THE ALTERNATIVE FOUNDATION, THE TRANSPARENT.HU, THE PRIDE OF BUDAPEST, THE DOR FAIRIES, THE FOOD NOT PUMPS, THE ADVERTISING SCHOOL, THE MILL, THE INVISIBLE SCHOOL, THE PNEUMA VISIT, THE ROME PRESS AND THE UTILITY CENTER

The place is kept on paper by “NGO” and the work is put together by the Marom Club Association. It’s worth noting that they used to operate on Dob Street Seagull, similar in nature to the Aurora. The place was an infamous camp for radical left-wing activists.
According to many, an attack on Fidesz headquarters was organized from the Seagull in 2013.As president of the Marom Association Adam SchönbergerHe played a key role in the creation and operation of both Seagull and Aurora, his successor. The political activist is certainly not the director of the Banking Festival, which provides a platform for Soros organizations.

Marom relies mainly on foreign aid.

Funding came from organizations such as the Network of European Foundations, Joods Humanitair Fonds, Gemeinsam Leben & Lernen, Europa ev, the Fundació per a la Promoció de la Initiativa per aa Societat Oberta a Europa and Summa Artium. Nonprofit Kft.
In 2019, SUMMA ARTIUM NONPROFIT KFT. He received the support of GYÖRGY SOROS with HUF 360 MILLION. MILLION RECEIVES MORE AND MORE MONEY FROM YEAR TO YEAR, MAINLY FROM ABROAD: 24.6 IN 2017; 2018-BAN 36.8; IN 2019, ITS TOTAL INCOME WAS HUF 50.7 MILLION. The upward trend can also be attributed to the fact that elections have been held in Hungary in the last two years.

However, the world of Soros gained ground not only in the interior of Pico, but also in the vicinity of the mayor. The symbolic face of the process Tessza in Udvarhely a radical left-wing activist who was Pikó’s campaign manager during the elections and then, after the electoral victory, was awarded the Office of Community Participation of the Mayor’s Office.

Tessza in UdvarhelySource: MTI / ZSOLT SZIGETVÁRY

Tessza of Udvarhely, who is Pikó’s right-hand man, plays a key role in coordinating the Soros Empire within Aurora.

Pikó also put the local press at the service of Soros World, and after his inauguration he immediately dismissed the former leadership of Józsefvárosi Újság, and Ákos Tótht, entrusted the former editor-in-chief of 168 Hours to run the newspaper. However, he could not be properly controlled, he was soon replaced, and Józsefvárosi Újság’s new editor-in-chief became an easy-going leftist journalist.

By the way, the journalist is so independent that for the last time with the friend of András Pikó, a pastor close to György Soros, Gábor IványiImportant interview with There are several Soros activists on the editorial team of this page: Akos Zoltai, who came from Népszava, was a former radio partner of the club, so Pikó János Pálinkás, the former writer of the Hungarian orange Gaal ilona, who already worked with the later mayor of the Kiút Közhasznú Zrt. program, as well as with the former civil radio Géza Bányay, and the formerly popular Hungarian orange György Szerbhorváth.

In July 2020, András Pikó told the Hungarian orange that he was already close to politics in 1990, as a recent graduate of the first free elections he was the campaign manager for the SZDSZ in Csongrád county.
THEN THEY OPENLY COMMITTED TO GORÖRGY SOROS: TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE TREATMENT COURT OF THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC LIFE, OTHERWISE HE WILL MEET YOUR EULVARSELY TESSA HERE, AROUND THE AURO.With such a past behind him, András Pikó won the trust of György Soros, which is why the multimillionaire immigrant was able to install his headquarters in Hungary in the district he headed.
