Gulags could be built in America, writes the website of a public television news station


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

Perhaps even regular readers of the Public Service News Agency were surprised by the article that

Isn’t it enough that whispering has become fashionable, can Gulags be built in America?

appeared on the site or in the form of a Facebook referral.

The news of America’s Stalinist turn begins with the following introduction:

“Secret police, gulags and other reeducation camps. Is this normal in America today? Many say that Trump believers should be sent to reeducation camps, as was done in communist regimes. They want to” consolidate “the after world. Situation of the Second War “.

The later part of the article then reveals what is meant by “normal” and “according to many” and the plural in public media. Not now, not in this matter, a single person said.

The article is based on a generous one-year news story from January 2020. That’s when a right-wing media provocation team called Project Veritas, they will talk about it, released a secret recording of a man named Kyle Jurek, a Door-to-door activist for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the state of Iowa, was talking about how the Soviet gulags weren’t as terrible places as they are established, and that it would be worth opening up those re-education camps in America to enemies of revolution and the trumpistas.

Jurek, who declared himself an anarcho-communist, was the lynchpin of the campaign of a candidate who belongs on the edge of the left wing of the Democratic Party, failed in the pre-election and did not become a presidential candidate. Jurek did not have a leadership role from the beginning, even in the run for presidential nominee in the state of Iowa, he was a field puncher. It’s your typical media minute hand that was already interesting for a few days even then, because Sanders was still surprisingly good in the race for the Democratic house at the time.

The misleading News article presents it as if the US opening of the Gulag was a plan, program or the like for the Democratic Party or Joe Biden in 2021 that many would like to implement. While this is the private opinion of a 2020 extremist activist who was ousted at the time, he was already working on the losing campaign of a politician who is also marginalized within the party.

It is only foam in the swelling that public television cites Project Veritas as a source. It is a far-right NGO founded in 2010 that seeks to test the alleged lies of the left-wing press and politicians with the tools of investigative journalism, often hidden camera videos and secret audio recordings.

However, a series of final court judgments and damages paid show that at least some of Project Veritas’ exposures stem from a misleading combination of specific forgeries and real details. Perhaps most typical is the case in 2017 when they tried to channel the Washington Post, which they considered a left-wing fake news factory, lying to themselves as informants, giving false information to the newspaper that a Republican politician Roy Moore had conceived. a teenager. The plan, in its insidious form, seemed clever because Moore had been accused by multiple women of harassing them as teenagers at the time, and the politician himself did not deny that he had contact with girls under the age of 18 as a district attorney. Age of consent. But the Post did not suck the false news, but instead went after the information, exposing the falsification for which the writers of the series received the Pulitzer Prize.

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