Index – Domestic – Father Tibi: If Viktor Orbán leaves no choice, we will get up!


What can catering companies do to survive the epidemic and the period of no income?

First of all, I need to shed light on the current situation: Father Tibi answered – The constitutional right of every human being is the right to subsistence. The state can, of course, limit this if the need requires it because, for example, due to a pandemic, it makes the closure mandatory. But if the social contract between the individual and the state changes in fundamental ways such as constitutional rights (which, again, may be justified by a pandemic), the state also incurs additional obligations in addition to additional rights. You cannot transfer the financial responsibility for your own decision to the Hungarian small business services sector, which, contrary to popular belief, pays for most of the state’s tax revenue and creates jobs. Cecília Müller now asks us to be patient.

Although the terms of the social contract are evident in all civil societies based on historical traditions, this does not seem to be the case here. We have been patient for a year. We have been giving up our constitutional rights for a year and now we have reached the point where we have exhausted our reserves.


Let me be completely clear: Until now, I have assumed the state obligations of my income and savings after taxes.

So will the pub open in early February?

Before answering, we have to understand that the Hungarian state itself works like a company: it treats our taxes as income, reduces its expenses by trying to perform its tasks as cheaply as possible, and pays the difference between the two to the circle of friends. Viktor Orbán will try to get this out cheap as some kind of skilled construction contractor – his goal will be to save the mortar, but the plaster will be fine. The cheapest thing you can tell the electorate is that caterers are profit-hungry killers, we’ve already gotten over that, so if the message doesn’t get through, we have to make an offer that sounds like a lot to the grassroots. of voters. but it can actually be done with pennies. An example is a zero income tax credit. The problem is that any percentage of zero is zero. But such will be the case, for example, if you say that you help companies with, say, a million guilders. This may seem like a lot for a home, nor is it enough for a company, which no one saved from paying rent, to reduce spending. Still, it will be communicable to the voter to see how much money we give, it is not enough for the greedy entrepreneur! It is much more livable, as they are still amounts that can be recovered in common sense, in contrast to the 17,000 million HUF that Lőrinc Mészáros received from the state for the renovation of the hotel even after the dismissal of its employees. Just to understand the orders of magnitude: of which a

Of the 17 billion, the entire metropolitan hotel sector could survive the next quarter.

So they open it?

Certainly not on February 1 for the huge own goal. If we open it and peek into our premises waiting for the authorities to arrive and then we hunt it down one by one, punish it and close it to unhook the “EDITOR” sign, they have achieved their goal. On the one hand, we must plant ourselves in such a way that, if they take revenge on them, they will not be able to do it legally in our commercial premises and in our businesses. On the other hand, opening and commissioning can be a terrible cost for a company. In the case of the Capilla del Vino, each exit after closing takes approx. Capital of 1.5 to 2 million HUF must be reinjected into perishable and non-perishable stocks and room maintenance prior to opening. Understandably, when people play chess for the last few guilders, they don’t risk that much money.

What do you suggest?

First, we choose a date when people can mobilize. March 15 is near, that’s why

not to break the revolutionary libido, but to focus tactically and build a larger national movement instead of a thousand or two thousand people.

March 15 is also a celebration of the defense of freedoms, in accordance with our historical traditions. We have to go outside where they can’t close our stores and then stay outside until they listen.

Are they going to Kossuth Square?

Not to Kossuth Square. The current power has made him protest-conform precisely because there is nothing there that can interfere with daily operations! To the Grand Boulevard, which today is not only a symbol of small businesses in Hungary, but also a pillar of the country’s central nervous system. The police won’t allow it, but if we don’t we will lose everything. We have nothing to lose, we have nowhere to retire. For my part, if there is not an advertisement that is not here and there, but a substantive support to guarantee my constitutional rights, on March 15 I will grab a chair and a bar table, I will take it to the rails of the 4-6 trams , and from there -to quote a classic- they can only pull me “in my blood and on my back.” If we don’t get support by then, all caterers, taxi drivers, gym owners, entertainment workers, public opinion leaders, the capital, the countryside, everyone who thinks our constitutional rights are correct at least to protect our property private, I ask you to stay with me!

This is a radical program. In other places, the situation is not rosy, but they are not preparing for the paralysis of the city in the long term.

But the small entrepreneurs of their own nation are not treated like this anywhere else, not even in Eastern Europe: the Poles, albeit with commitments, can operate and the Germans are compensated by the state for lost income.

I am a small Hungarian businessman. Viktor Orbán does not restrict the operation of shopping centers and his cronies with multinational brands, and even supports many of them. If, in the spirit of 1848 and 1956, as Hungarians we cannot fight for at least the same number of fundamental constitutional rights in Hungary, then we do not deserve constitutional rights anywhere in the world.

Current epidemiological rules absolutely prohibit montage. Calling people on the street can be quite serious.

I don’t believe in violence, but in the sacred right to unconditional self-defense. If the authorities say that my blood needs to flow, just because I defend my fundamental rights, I stand up. But I am not willing to reach the destiny of my great-grandparents and allow the state to take my life’s work with its laws and fatten the circle of friends it gets. I started building everything from a wooden shed back in the village days, and I was standing behind the counter. My ministers (employees / colleagues) He has already worked in the state as a health care physician, as a sniper in the Hungarian Armed Forces, and as a tax-paying businessman in the private sector. If Viktor Orbán leaves no other option, we will be forced to serve the country as a rebellious citizen, because I have worked hard for what I have and as long as I have a pulse I will not be a kulak of any system.

But the goal is to find a compromise, isn’t it?

Also, there is no host right now who doesn’t want to finally have one. Everyone has loved ones. Nobody wants to protest in the middle of a pandemic. But it is not a commitment that you cannot work, but pay the costs yourself!

The state must allow you to operate or pay.

Viktor Orbán has to make a decision about it to avoid 2006. If he does not decide, it will be a decision and there will be consequences. The most dangerous thing is always the crowd that has nothing to lose. Now there is such a crowd.

These days the temperament is quite high in some of the catering companies. Are you at your limit?

Look, tracking the camp here or there, I’m just one of many people. It is not for me to decide the affairs of the country. Hope for the best, but if March will be peaceful, now you need to ask someone else about it.

I am trying to talk. Praise him!

Restaurant closings and courier services are the problems of the hotel industry

Different stories of the sector hit by the crisis.

(Cover image: Statue of Father Tibi. Photo: Gale Tibi)
