Index – National – Lajos Kósa joked about catering services in trouble


Although Lajos Kósa was invited to the Debrecen Television program by the National Vaccine Factory, he also managed to act as an expert on vaccines, not to mention joking about the caterers who got into trouble. A member of the Fidesz parliament wrote this weekend that a vaccine factory would be established in Debrecen in consultation with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and on the recommendation of operational staff.

Lajos Kósa said in the program that the installation of the vaccine factory was justified by the coronavirus. He believes that it was a logical decision, as he himself said, that the coronavirus is neither the first nor the last epidemic to be vaccinated. He also said that it was decided between Budapest and Debrecen where the institution should be, but in the end they voted for the latter. He says it will be 2-3 years before substantial work can be done at the vaccine factory.

He said of the hosts, he understands them, and also that they are impatient because their existence depends on him, but he does not recommend that they open because, according to the rules, this would lead to a permanent closure. In addition, they would open in vain, they would not be invited, he said, adding that he was optimistic and had good news for workers in the sector.

Hungarians will also be very hungry in March and will want to have a beer and go to restaurants with good cuisine with their friends and have a good time there. And who is hungry in the market? I think there will be a strong rebound. But joke aside, now it takes a bit of perseverance, to put order, it doesn’t make sense

– Lajos Kósa said.

By the way, there is growing tension between catering companies. It is difficult to bear the restrictive measures that the Orbán government extended until March 1. They are planning a massive opening for February 1 because they believe their situation is dire, and the government has yet to pay the wage subsidies promised for November.

By the way, Lajos Kósa had several steep statements in the television interview. One of them, when reflecting on vaccines, said in an unexpected moment that there is already a vaccine against scarlet fever, although there is no vaccine for the disease. This disease is caused by a bacteria that mainly affects children and can even have serious complications. Anyone infected with it is treated with antibiotics.
