The Defense Ministry confirmed that Gáspár Orbán was indeed one of the Hungarian officers who attended Sandhurst Royal Military Academy training last year. The Ministry confirmed this to the HVG.
At the same time, we deny that the participants in the training had participated as HM fellows.
– they said.
It was also stated that when applying for such a scholarship or training, a candidate could be sent on the basis of a proposal from the chief of staff and with the approval of the body responsible for the field in question.
During the selection, the Chief of Staff will take into account the candidate’s individual motivation, suitability, language skills, qualifications, intended position, duties, professional background, including experience gained in civil life.
Said the ministry. They added that in this case a student contract is concluded with the person, and the command of the commander in charge of the personnel is also required.
The ministry had previously denied that the prime minister’s son had been selected.
Now the only question is, if the ministry did not pay for the training of some 37 million guilders, who paid for the training costs of the prime minister’s son?