Index – Economics – Piloting is worth it, but seamstresses earn very poorly


It is true that the coronavirus epidemic has left its mark in 2020, the

median income increased 4.7 percent to HUF 486,696 gross

based on data from

Compared to the previous year, the difference between the average earnings of the capital and the lower counties has decreased, because while in 2019 there was a difference of 142 thousand guilders in favor of Budapest, in 2020 we can only speak of 89,500 florins.

The best wages are found in the counties of Komárom-Esztergom, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Heves, Fejér and Bács-Kiskun, and the lowest in the counties of Csongrád, Békés, Nógrád, Tolna, Somogy and Baranya.

We consider it important that both job applicants and employers know what realistic average earnings can be expected in a given position. Fortunately, we can see that there is a growing trend for wages to appear transparently in job postings.

– said Mária Balogh-Mázi, founder of, responsible for the operation of the website.

When it comes to jobs, the highest salaries were also received by those working in company management in 2020. Behind them is the income of those working in IT and development, as well as those in leasing positions, telecommunications and administration.

Leaving the top management positions aside,

the highest salary was awarded to pilots, whose income increased by more than 100,000 HUF in 2020, reaching an average of 1,170,770 HUF.

Second are medical consultants with a median salary of HUF 1,048,360, while in third place are leading developers with HUF 1,016,170.

The lowest gross salary was received by the seamstresses who worked as employees, earning 196,700 HUF per month,

But kindergarten nurses, janitors, teaching assistants, and shoemakers who work as laborers aren’t in a much better position either.

In the field of wages, the highest increase was registered in manual jobs in the last five years (mining, metallurgy, carpentry and mechanical engineering), while in non-manual jobs the highest increase was registered in administration, health and social work. the extent of your salary. In contrast, those who work in the areas of leasing, marketing and advertising, education, training, and the pharmaceutical industry have the least increased wages.
