Index – National – Students receive income in the new vocational training system


Only three weeks remain for primary school dropouts and their parents to decide whether to continue their education. The deadline is February 19.

Most of the 75,000 students who wrote the central admission last Saturday after the epidemiological measures will send their application form to the primary school. Admissions who failed to take the Jan.23 exam could take the Jan.28 exam, the Office of Education said.

Graduates of eighth grade students can also apply to grammar schools, vocational high schools, technical schools, trade schools, and vocational schools. Not all high schools require written writing in the center, many places can be entered on the basis of elementary school tickets.

According to CSO data, 1 million 812 thousand people will participate in education in the 2020/2021 school year. 398.3 thousand people study in education full time in secondary schools, 12.5 thousand less than in the 2019/2020 academic year. Compared to the previous school year, the number of students in elementary schools increased, while the number of students decreased in other secondary schools.

New vocational training system

However, this process is expected to change starting next year, as Gáborné Pölöskei, Undersecretary of State for Vocational Training at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), told Index.

The most important change is that a student who finishes primary school should no longer have to choose a profession, but a direction that suits his interests, that is, a sector.

In the first period, that is, for two years in the case of a technical school, and for one year in the case of a vocational school, students acquire basic sectoral knowledge that provides a broad view of the field. In this way, the specific profession can be selected later, they can acquire it with grounded knowledge – the most important benefits were pointed out by the Under Secretary of State.

From vocational training to higher education too

the certified technician training is the most ideal form of training for those who are already confident in their career choice, said the ITM Under Secretary of State for Vocational Training. The point is that students work in conjunction with a technical school and an institution of higher education,

They complete technical school on the basis of an advanced level professional program, after which they can automatically continue their studies at the participating institution of higher education.

Additionally, a higher education degree can be obtained in a shorter time by recognizing predetermined credits.

A five years of technical training combines the benefits of high school and vocational learning. In the new vocational training system, only four subjects need to be taken in the matriculation examination, as the vocational training examination is the fifth of the graduation subjects. Graduates here will have a significant advantage in the admission procedure to higher education, in the case of further studies, said Gáborné Pölöskei.

A vocational schools During your three years of training, the choice of profession is made after the first year. In the following two years, students acquire professional knowledge in the form of dual training, mainly in companies and entrepreneurs.

However, the biggest advantage of the new VET system is that students who choose VET receive income from first grade onward.

In technical school, in full-time education, each student receives a general scholarship in the amount of HUF 8,000 per month for two years. In the first year of vocational schools, this means 16,000 HUF per month for one year.

Participants in dual training can expect 25 to 60 percent of the minimum wage, which can increase to 100 percent in the last year.

You can throw

Starting this year, special attention will be paid to students who are lagging behind in their studies, and who sometimes find it more difficult to overcome obstacles. – We were informed by Zita Magyar, President of the National Office for Professional and Adult Education.

A Percussion program helps young people who have not finished the eighth grade but who are already over 16 years old.

Participants in the program do not replace the primary school curriculum, but more freely,

develop the necessary skills to advance

He pointed out the essence of the program.

Zita Magyar emphasized that within the framework of the program, it is not the repetition of elementary school curricula that occurs, but rather the lack of competencies can be filled with individual developments to begin teaching the profession.

Students can spend a year in the program, but if they perform well, they can go to a workshop school for a few months, where they can pursue a part-time profession that also certifies a bachelor’s degree.

The sub-profession acquired in the workshop school makes the student suitable for a certain job and is considered a qualification recognized by the state. After completing the sub-profession, it is possible to acquire a full profession, because the young person participating in the program can continue their studies at the vocational school, where the knowledge of the sub-profession is also taken into account.

The Drumming program also supports professional training scholarships. this currently amounts to HUF 8,050 per month.

(Cover image: The students of the András Mechwart Technical High School of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics in Debrecen will take action on May 19, 2017. Photo: Tibor Oláh / MTI)
