Index – Culture – Péter Balázs, 104, will not start again for the Szolnok theater


I spent fourteen beautiful years here, and now I am 104 years old, director Péter Balázs jokingly told Index when asked why the Szigliget Theater in Szolnok was not opening. announced last December at the request of the Director.

I will be working half a year more, until June 30, until then, so I will be working for a while with the new director to deliver the theater to him. I don’t know who would run, it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to investigate after that. I hope the new director likes theater and company as much as I do. There is almost the same company here for the last 14 years, there has been little fluctuation and you can say that practically everyone in the theater is my friend. I always expected my company to be independent. Like Ford, the director of America’s automobile factory: when he went on vacation, he entrusted the factory to department heads. If the level dropped somewhere when he got back, he fired the department head.

On how he leaves, Péter Balázs told Index: “I am very proud of the actors that I have been able to lead, and although

The theater did not receive much appreciation from the press, the more angry,

and this, unfortunately, also extends to our great and mature actors, but these fourteen years have been wonderful. When I was appointed in 2007, I voted for a kind of popular theater that I was normally attacked for, but we have to look at our repertoire. We also play physicists from Dürrenmatt,

for folk theater it does not mean that the afternoons fall after seven at night, but rather an eclectic program.

But it is not always possible to hurt Bánk because people do not come. I gave 120 performances over 14 years on the big stage and countless on the small stage, we set up the theater where 20 actors live in extremely favorable conditions, we did the Adams and Eva, the national high school competition, we participated in the Lázár The program Ervin, whose essence is for children whose parents could not help them, must also be included in the theatrical conditions. We are also signing two young Kaposvár graduates for the next season, because it is important to renew the company, it is important that young people come.

The theater is currently being rebuilt and we have had to deal with the pandemic,

We laugh all year after austerity.

The last presentation was on March 6, 2020, Open Windows, this is my arrangement, and we are currently doing the rental presentations without an audience, recording them, and that night tenants can view the streaming version or the electronic ticket alternatively to any another person. . Our New Year’s Eve cabaret, for example, was seen by 1,800 people instead of 465 (it’s all the seats in the theater) ”.

Péter Balázs, who is very proud of his black cherries and the Yellow Lily, will probably direct them in the theater after his tenure is over, saying that “it would also be good to play.” There is also a book on the last 14 years of the theater, by Miss Zsuzsi, which she has directed until now, with the best performances, events and memories, in which she also writes. I would not have been happy if I had succeeded during these 14 years, not made the theater successful.

The new director can, of course, make another theater to his liking, but it is very important that he like the company, since without them there is no theater. The management of the theater is actually a service.

The director will begin his last direction in February: he will stage the play Déryné Juvenile by Ferenc Herczeg. The feature is scheduled to premiere in late March.

(Cover photo: Péter Balázs, director of the Szigliget Theater in Szolnok in the theater’s auditorium on January 13, 2015. Photo: János Bugány / MTI)
