Democrat-driven storm is gone, frustrated QAnon believers haven’t recovered since


What you need to know right away in 2021.

Proponents of the conspiracy theory at QAnon, which has had an incredible arc in the United States since October 2017, waited in awe on January 20. Of course not for Joe Biden to be president, quite the contrary. After Trump’s last chance to win the presidential election with some recount disappeared, it began to spread among them that the day of the inauguration would be about the confrontation, the Storm, which had been expected from the beginning, was finally arriving. . (We wrote about the birth of the movement here).

They expected Trump to regain power with the help of the military and begin his second term as president. Democratic leaders who consider themselves leaders of the satanic, pedophile and communist trafficking ring, and the celebrities who support them, are arrested and then transported to the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and executed. This is where the “Great Awakening” begins, when the whole world realizes that QAnon believers who consider themselves Christian patriots have been right all along and a good life has come.

The arrest should have taken place no later than the moment Biden laid his hands on the Bible to swear. But there was no trace of the army, the new president was installed according to his order and form.

Shock versus new interpretations

Although QAnon believers have gotten used to things that don’t always happen according to prophecies, they can always be rotated in such a way that events take a different direction for something more sublime. The takeover scheduled for the inauguration, on the other hand, would have been the absolute culmination in itself, and with the delay and Trump flying to Florida, a wide range of emotions and reactions flooded Telegram, Gabo and other online forums. they used. . Such and similar disappointed messages were written:

  • “I have to throw up, I’m out of false information and hopeless!”
  • “I feel like I’m going crazy. I do not know what to believe “.
  • “Power changed hands and that’s the end. When we needed Trump and Q the most, they both shut their mouths and resigned. “
  • “So Q was just a big lie and psychological warfare that I stupidly followed and believed for over three years?”

Q himself, the mysterious founder of the movement, has been listening to his message board on 8kun for a month and a half, and has not broken his silence since its inception. Instead, some blamed QAnon influencers with many tens and hundreds of thousands of followers for setting them on fire for nothing.

Among the disappointing was one of QAnon’s top figures, Ron Watkins, who also stepped down as 8kun’s manager along with his message. He wrote: “A new president has been installed and it is our responsibility as citizens to respect the constitution.” His father, Jim Watkins, owner of 8chan and 8kun, on the other hand, was not as dramatic, emphasizing the historical importance of QAnon in his own profile of Gab, which changed the country forever.

The Storm has been postponed several times and the national awakening has also been delayed.Photo: Thomas O’Neill / NurPhoto via AFP

Others, on the other hand, began to argue that the plan had not failed, only to change direction again and give various contradictory explanations. At the same time, believers were encouraged to persevere, affirming that the good was yet to come. Among the interpretations it appears that Biden was actually detained at a military base and is at the head of the government, only he doesn’t know it yet. Some say that Trump and Biden swapped faces (John Woo certainly didn’t expect to have such metastases in his cult film Mock / Face).

There were those who argued that it was not possible to take power now by appearances, but Biden is also invested, so the Democratic pedophile horde will not be suspicious and the real inauguration will take place in March, so the patriots have already won. in secret. And the QAnon influencer, known as Praying Medic, stuck to Trump’s words that his firing would not last long.

Quo vadis, QAnon?

The insertion, therefore, caused despair and rupture in the movement on a scale never seen before, adding to Facebook and Twitter aggressive actions against groups and individuals linked to QAnon, and even throwing the rug under Parler. Yet even so, it would be naive to expect QAnon to suffocate with so much forever.

Let’s not forget that a specific QAnon believer, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is already sitting in Congress, giving millions of credit to this conspiracy theory, not just in the United States, but around the world.

Even though Q and Trump disappeared, the factors that really blew up QAnon in 2020 largely remained: the health and economic anxiety caused by the epidemic, mixed with misconceptions and malicious misinformation about the coronavirus.

QAnon’s milieu is heterogeneous: Some people blindly believe that pedophile Democrats drink the blood of children, others prefer only that Trump supporters are oppressed by a secret world system. However, with conspiracy believers primarily questioning even the most obvious facts, the Biden administration will not have an easy time dealing with them. Plus, as events on Capitol Hill have shown, there’s a lot more at stake than people stuffing each other with nonsense in Internet panties.

Disintegrates and becomes more violent

Researchers of the phenomenon agree that some kind of radicalization is expected in the ranks of QAnon, even with racial and ethnic overtones, and this is likely to be favored by external factors. For example, the white superiority, neo-Nazi and far-right groups that were already active in front of QAnon on Gaben and Telegram immediately saw opportunity in the situation. Almost immediately, they began encouraging their members to surround the frustrated QAnonists and try to drive them to their own cause. For some, they will surely be a success, as the far right also operates under threat from shadow powers that control the world.

QAnon believers await Trump’s arrival at the foot of Mount Rushmore last JulyPhoto: SCOTT OLSON / AFP

There have always been anti-Semitic voices in QAnon, György Soros and the Rotschild family have already come up as evil (so it’s no wonder there are quite a few Hungarian supporters of the container), and from there it’s just a few steps. to become an open and organized anti-Semitism. As Brian Friedberg, senior fellow at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center, put it in The Guardian, “The fact that ‘there is a global conspiracy’ is not very far from ‘there is a Jewish conspiracy.’

In addition to radicalization, there is likely to be a layer that will continue the original theories and interpret the daily news accordingly. According to Friedberg, with Trump’s departure, QAnon supporters feel even more justified by their own disadvantage, and their hatred for the deep state, communists, liberals and anti-fraud would not only have been tarnished by the installation, but also it will intensify.

According to social scientists, there will also be those who turn to the neo-conservative rather than the esoteric, while for the more religious part, who see the plan and works of God in everything, the Christian elements will intensify. So the movement is likely fragmented, but unfortunately that does not mean that it becomes harmless at all.

